Thursday, June 10, 2010

Softball Has Begun

Just wanted to jump on and share a few pics from the tourney last weekend. We did take 2nd out of 9 teams and it was our first tourney ever!! I was so proud of all the girls they each participated like a team and thats what is needed.

We appreciate all the thoughts and prayers for KG its continuing to be a rough road for everyone and the will needs to be strong. We are hoping that some day this is all in the past but only time will tell. We just pray.



Dusti said...

Just caught up on your last few updates. I'm certainly going to be sending up many prayers for you and your family. Sounds like you're dealing with a lot right now. HUGS!

That Carly is a cutie - glad she's doing well at softball. I loved the game when I was that age.

Call if you ever want to go get some dinner & a margarita/2! :)