Hey Everyone. In 5 days we will all be at Crop Camp. Amazing thought considering I packed 95 goodie bags last night and finished my class, rode to Wellington with my dad on his motorcycle and did all the dirty laundry in my house cleaned my bathroom as well as scrubbing the tile grout. That was just yesterday.
Its a no wonder I woke up completly exhausted today, no big shocker there huh?
I did order some pics, went to the store, packed my breakfasts for the week and planned meals for the week as well. I partially packed my clothes and still need to get scrapbook kits together but its time to study now.
Thought I would share a pic of our whole family that went on the cruise with us. See the yellow dress my neice is wearing. My grandmother made that for Carlee to wear in Ryan and Is wedding 6 years ago :)
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