Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Blogger Reader Help..Please

As you know things have been swirling around us lately. My Dear Father In Law has been ill and struggling with this Histoplasmosis. When Billy from The Exterminators Show on TLC tells you how dangerous the bird poop and bat poop can be HE IS SERIOUS. I know he is a little redneck rock I mean check him out he isnt joking. We hope Kenny gets out of the hospital this evening. Its wearing on my dear mother in law and hubby is struggling too. Business has become slow due to the economy and I think some is the community knows that KG(Father In Law) is ill and they are giving him a break. BUT really we still have bills to pay and jobs to do and in the long run this was the plan for Ryan and his Brother In Law McNutt to take over ya know?
Hubby is struggling with not being busy and being supportive with his mom and family and not getting too overwhelmed and needs some mental and physical strength.
 Me? Well I dont know where I stand. I am working almost 50 hours a week, Carlee has softball everynight and every weekend for the next 3 weeks so its just her and I mostly. Ryan went last night which was nice for her to have me, him and her dad there, as well as my dad and Uncle. I want to support from all angles but someday I am not sure where my angle is right now.
I am just asking that you keep us in your thoughts if you dont mind. The power of friends and people who care make a world of difference in healing from all aspects I think.



Kim said...

Your family has been on my mind, hope it all turns around for you.

laura mcpherson said...

You have many angels! I am certainly keeping you and your family in my prayers. This too shall pass...

love & hugs~

KBH said...

*will be thinking of you and your family and sending healing thoughts in the way of your FIL* ((HUGS))

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

Hang in there Alicia...ya'll are in our thoughts and prayers.