Today's Baby Blues Comic Strip - ArcaMax Publishing So this is a must see and read. Seriously cracked me up yesterday. LOVE this comic strip and everything thats involved with this family. I couldnt figure out how to put this picture in so this link with have to work :)
I wanted to say thanks to everyone for the prayers for Ryans Grandpa B. He passed away at 12:27 pm on Thursday and even though it was difficult it was a blessing. Even at 79 he was still a go getter up until the end fighting a battle that he lost to. We loved him dearly and are thankful our children got to know him and that I got to know him these last 7 years Ryan and I have been together. 40 years of marriage he and Grandma had and that says alot to me and the way that love truely prevails thru difficult times. I saw a whole new side to my husband the compassion and strength and helpfulness he showed to his family was the greatess I have ever seen from anyone. And such a strong and endearing man its difficult to even put it into words. Not that he ever reads this blog but "I Love You Honey and the things and the way you handled yourself this week will forever remain into my heart and has given me many more reasons to fall in love with you over and over again"
We were able to get keys to our house this weekend and show some friends and family. Our "To Do" list grew and grew. If you see me selling popsicles outside of Sherwin Williams its because we spent our paint allowance and we were needing more :)
Well ladies thanks again. Remember I am teaching this Thursday at the Arts and Humanities council for the "10 Things I Love" album easily can be used and reproduced for gifts so keep that in mind.
Thanks again for the prayers.