Tuesday, June 17, 2008
If you are interested in checking out the presale items please be at my house 1402 Cherry Street Winfield, KS at 7 pm this Friday night. That is Friday June 20th. Not only are there the scrapbooking supplies, but cool vintage stuffs from my grandma, tons of bedding all sizes, comforter sets, african violet plants, baby items(the big things) and tons of other stuff along with ladies clothing and kids toys and books. Feel free to come visit and chat and celebrate my last day at Husky Liners with me :) CU SOON!
Monday, June 16, 2008

So for those of you who dont know this is my dad. We started the day heading to Wichita with my mother in law Carole, father in law Kenny, sister in law Traci and brother in law

Friday, June 13, 2008
Carlee had a game at 6 which we won, she wasnt happy with her pitching I thought she did great but she is her own worst critic. The second game she was up to bat and dodging balls cause the pitcher was off a bit and they called it because of lightening. Then it just got uglier here from that point, rain, thunder, lightening and rattling the windows. NICE
Our AC got fixed yesterday and replaced due to the nice lightening strike, thank GOODNESS for insurance and fast heating and air guys cause it was starting to get sticky :)
Monday, June 09, 2008
Lots of going ons, I will be having a garage sale on June 21st. If you are interested in the "private presale for friends" just email me. My grandmother has sent some really cool vintage stuffs, I will have clothes and scrapbooking of course, my sister in law has stuffs and we will have flowers too!
So I will be preparing that stuff for my grandma and cleaning out my things and preparing to begin my new job. Missing the scrapbooking world but my head is full of dental terms so it gets the back side for a bit.
Saturday night Lena stayed the night and the AC went out at her house and ours. Funny how that works, both my sis and I are without AC on our main levels of our homes.
Sunday, June 01, 2008

You want good kids, but you also want them to be successful, smart individuals who can speak their minds — as long as they do so respectfully. While you enjoy being the kind of mom that your kids can come to with a problem, you are not afraid to set them straight when they're acting badly. When it comes to discipline, you try treat your kids like adults, talking calmly and coolly. And that's ultimately why they're going to grow up with such unwavering respect for you — as both a mother and a successful person.
Quite funny that Christie and Summer was Marge Simpson and I am Claire Huxtable. Crazy, I must really be the mean mom :)
So many of you may wonder why you rec'd an invite to visit my blog. On Thursday I gave my notice to Husky Liners and my last day will be June 20th. On June 30th I will begin working at the Winfield Correctional facility as a Dental Assistant and Medical Records Clerk. I have always wanted to work in the dental field and financially me not working for 2.5 years and driving back and forth to WSU isnt an option Ryan and I felt this was a good opportunity for me to expand my knowledge of things I can do. Its been a long 3 months for us to make this decision and difficult at times but for the health of myself and my family we feel its a good move for me. I am of course nervous as heck because in April I had been at Husky for 8 years, but I feel its time. That being said I have to keep a better eye on whats going on in my life therefore knowing who knows about me should be kept more private now. XOXO Alicia