So for those of you who dont know this is my dad. We started the day heading to Wichita with my mother in law Carole, father in law Kenny, sister in law Traci and brother in law

Kenny (yes thats 2 Kenny's) and my niece Josie and nephew Dayne and went to the zoo in Wichita. There was a car show as well so it was very distracting seeing all these awesome vehicles PLUS seeing the animals. It had been awhile since I had been and had yet to see the penguins which Carlee knows TONS about penguins. We then had dinner at Applebees in Andover and headed home. At 6 my family plus my sisters father in law Jim came over and Ryan grilled some kick ass steaks and we had sides and just chilled. Busy day but SOOO much fun! I have more pics of the kids to share but wanted to give you a bit of a pic with me and my pops. Do you see a resemblence?
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