so no pics today. been a rough week. I was off Monday and so was Ryan nice to spend the day with Carlee and Ryan we had lunch at College Hill and then Carlee had a game so not bad. What WAS bad was I woke up Tuesday at 5 am throwing up and doing the other too. BAD STUFF!
Missed worked pretty much unconcious the rest of the day in bed. I went to work Wednesday and Thursday but had very long days you can only imagine.
Little cropping on Friday night and garage sale and swimming Saturday as well as taking the Hatfields dinner and then the Winfield Garage Car and Bike Show and then lunch with my family and then to the pool.
NOW I am smelling sugar topped Mocha Cupcakes a recipe from my new Taste of Home Family Favorites. They have COFFEE in them YUMMEE HELLO!!
More next week the day of sickness and recovery has passed.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009

So another week has come and gone as the week began we added a new addition to the family. Drumroll please.....introducing Pete aka Pistol Pete like the OSU mascott. Carlee's Peach(as Scrapfunattic Sarah and I call our ex's) allowed her and her brother to purchase one each and planned on them living happily ever after together. YA FAT CHANCE those 2 bicker can you imagine 2 male geckos. So he is living at our casa. This morning he suprised me in the sink in her bathroom where his cage is. We finally figured out how he escaped and I eliminated that issue. THAT WAS SCARY!!

Well I am off work tomorrow. Ryan and I celebrate our #7 anniversary so we plan to spend the day together washing the dog or something fun!
Got a little bit of scrapbooking done Friday amongst the incident with Shandra's daughter. Please keep praying for her she has a very long healing process ahead of her. Bless Her Heart
Sunday, June 14, 2009

I know its a been a week and a busy one at that. These were taken last sunday at the pool in Ark City. Us girls thought it sounded really good it was getting hot and humid so we got there at 2 and left at 6 just as a storm was brewing. We barely got home and one broke out.
We had a game that got rained out this week I think Tuesday then some bike riding this week and a game Thursday which we lost and then I took Carlee to her dads. She spent the weekend at Turner Falls and The Arbuckle Wilderness. Evidently she now owns a lizard but I havent seen it yet she is to come home tomorrow. She wanted to spend the evening with her Great Grandpa who is hanging on but I am preparing for his passing.
I swam and hung out for a while at Susans with her and Marissa and Marissas new friend. Then I thought I could be young again and drink with Mandy. HAHA I didnt wake up until 2pm Saturday my whole day was SHOT!!BUT I did stay up and get page kits packed for next Friday and Ryan and I went to Newkirk for dinner which was nice he usually likes to stay home. We took a spin in the Vette and away we went and it was nice for us.
Well on to another week a short one at that. Ready to hang with my girlfriends.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Where to begin...Its been a whole week. Monday was emotionally rough in the afternoon. We found out Carlee's Papa Great Grandpa Baldridge(her dads grandpa, his moms dad) had a stroke Sunday and wasnt fairing well so the kids and grandkids that could be present was appreciated. So Tuesday morning at 6am she had me out of bed and out of the house by 7. We drove to Blackwell and visited I left about 10 Carlee stayed all day. We had a game that night and her dad brought her to AC for it. Papa took a turn for the better and hung tight all week this morning it was not so good so now we are praying.
2 softball games 1 win 1 loss so its a 50/50
Thursday Carlee went back to Blackwell I went to work Friday and then a quick Garage Sale with Susan where she took me I got 4 pairs of jeans 4 pairs of dress pants and 1 pair of capris all from the Gap with the original tag plus 5 shirts for $40.50 OMG!! I WAS PSYCHED!! Then home to rest and relax.
Saturday rocked Ryan, I, Carole and Kenny went to Ponca to the Car Show and Herb Festival, I got 2 new pairs of shoes! WHOO WHOO
Took lots of pics even of today at the AC Pool I hope to share those tomorrow. I have signed up for an online class here at and it doesnt start until July 2nd but we have pre-class work.
2 softball games 1 win 1 loss so its a 50/50
Thursday Carlee went back to Blackwell I went to work Friday and then a quick Garage Sale with Susan where she took me I got 4 pairs of jeans 4 pairs of dress pants and 1 pair of capris all from the Gap with the original tag plus 5 shirts for $40.50 OMG!! I WAS PSYCHED!! Then home to rest and relax.
Saturday rocked Ryan, I, Carole and Kenny went to Ponca to the Car Show and Herb Festival, I got 2 new pairs of shoes! WHOO WHOO
Took lots of pics even of today at the AC Pool I hope to share those tomorrow. I have signed up for an online class here at and it doesnt start until July 2nd but we have pre-class work.
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