Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Yes I am going to surrender to my own demise.

I have 4 to-do/pack lists all piled up on the bar in the kitchen. If I forget something its probably because I am completly over obsessing.

I did pedicures for my mom and aunt last night took about 3 hours not too bad I was working tandem on em both. Carlee gets hers Friday night and I will just repaint mine. We have a so called "free night" tonight she has a Girl Scouts Meeting, I have nothing. Tomorrow night a performance for choir. I am off Friday plan to finish up laundry, pack, make a nice dinner for the fam and do some more toes.

I have all kinds of things spinning in my head that need to be done, now I just gotta get motivated, take some time and get it done. Huh?


Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

You go girl. You will be fine, you are the MOST organized person I've ever met...Have a great time on your trip. Enjoy the warm weather and sunshine! Can't wait to see your pics. Take Care.

Kathy said...

Take a deep breath and have a bloody mary. I am really going to miss you!

~BuzyKeriBee~ said...

THE ORGANIZATION QUEEN?!?!?! Don't worry, just relax and have a great time on your trip!!!! Can't wait to see the pictures!!!!

1978 said...

hello from someone who used to live in Kansas! Thanks for the post on my site!