Saturday, January 01, 2011

1-1-11 Its Even Harder To Write

So I am going to to try this journaling thing that Pink Mocha has on Two Peas here is the link so here are todays prompts you can pick 1 or 3 so lets try this:

I plan to accomplish the following three things this year... 
1) Plan all my meals every week to cut down on expenses and be better with coupons
2)Document more things in Pictures or Journaling
3)Learn to blog from my Nook and not get frustrated
*Five years from now I plan to be....
1)Not crying every day because Carlee will be in college (note to self; find another pet to keep Blue and I occupied and not make Ryan crazy.

*Ten memories from the past year are....
1)Taking Carlee to her first concert
2)Taking and completing my phlebotomy course and surviving 40 hour work weeks plus clinicals
3)Wondering why with all the medical technology my father in law cannot get better
4)Seeing all my family together in October including my dads side. This year I believe we got to see everyone
5)My Youngest couison and his girlfriend have been together 10 years and just got engaged on Christmas Day.

more to come...


Heather said...

These are really great!! Thanks for sharing!!