A Little Prayer Requests Please
For Ryans Grandpa and Grandma B. He has been fighting a tumor and cancer for quite some time and things are getting close. For those of you who read my blog please pass the word to everyone that our family could really use some prayers of strength our way. We appreciate it a bunch. For all the support when I lost my granddad over a year ago I could use some of this for dear hubby cause everything thats weighing on our backs have been stressful and you know me I cry easily.
Cheri Crocker (we call her) Shandras step mom is having surgery today and we all love her lots so say a little prayer for her and this week as she will be in the hospital till this weekend and we all know that bites huh?
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

How Great Is This?
Arent they all gorgeous? This is just the first of many pictures I hope to post up here. Big thanks to these ladies and especially the ones who didnt leave me behind on the way to Ponca and thank goodness I had the instinct to continue following them and not take the Sun-N-Fun turn cause guess what? THE BRIDGE WAS OUT!!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Well we survived..If anyone has any pictures please email them I would love to see them. I never even got 1 picture taken.
To Liz S from Wichita, seriously girl you crack me up loved meeting you hanging with you and sharing a ride. And thanks again for loading my green Jeep with the Winfield sticker. tee hee
To Shandra and Kathy~you girls make this all worth it. For your organization and clear thinking and always cracking me up my life wouldnt be complete with out you two.
To my table mates,Vicki, Donna, Kathy, Crystal and Andrea my tummy still hurts from laughing and cracking up and eating chips and salsa and whatever those sea salt things were that Vicki had they were soo good.
To all the girls who took my Page Maps class thanks for your support. If you ever have questions please email me any time I would love to help
We are getting close to moving. I know I am sure it seems long time coming to you all now you can imagine how its been for us. I hope to post a picture of it soon to be able to share it with everyone. Til next time.
To Liz S from Wichita, seriously girl you crack me up loved meeting you hanging with you and sharing a ride. And thanks again for loading my green Jeep with the Winfield sticker. tee hee
To Shandra and Kathy~you girls make this all worth it. For your organization and clear thinking and always cracking me up my life wouldnt be complete with out you two.
To my table mates,Vicki, Donna, Kathy, Crystal and Andrea my tummy still hurts from laughing and cracking up and eating chips and salsa and whatever those sea salt things were that Vicki had they were soo good.
To all the girls who took my Page Maps class thanks for your support. If you ever have questions please email me any time I would love to help
We are getting close to moving. I know I am sure it seems long time coming to you all now you can imagine how its been for us. I hope to post a picture of it soon to be able to share it with everyone. Til next time.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Well by this time tomorrow we should be pulling into Camp Wah-Shah-She I can' t wait.
I am ready to get stuff done, and teach and get my toes pretty!!
Gonna miss DH though. Its getting harder and harder to be gone from home. We enjoy hanging out and eating and just being at home. Things have been kaotic with our house and waiting to move the stress has weighed heavily on us both but we are each others rocks so I am a little off balance when I am away from him.
Carlee has had a whirlwind week of Wichita and Deidres and then the zoo Friday and her dads this weekend with family visiting from Colorado and then Deidre will be with here there on Saturday until I get em both on Sunday. Talk about 2 peas in a pod those girls are so much alike it cracks me up. Remind me alot of my best friend and I at the age. Scheming for the next sleepover.
I know I am a wuss but I plan to steal Carlees electric blanket cause this bug sleeps better when she is in a warm rug :)
I am ready to get stuff done, and teach and get my toes pretty!!
Gonna miss DH though. Its getting harder and harder to be gone from home. We enjoy hanging out and eating and just being at home. Things have been kaotic with our house and waiting to move the stress has weighed heavily on us both but we are each others rocks so I am a little off balance when I am away from him.
Carlee has had a whirlwind week of Wichita and Deidres and then the zoo Friday and her dads this weekend with family visiting from Colorado and then Deidre will be with here there on Saturday until I get em both on Sunday. Talk about 2 peas in a pod those girls are so much alike it cracks me up. Remind me alot of my best friend and I at the age. Scheming for the next sleepover.
I know I am a wuss but I plan to steal Carlees electric blanket cause this bug sleeps better when she is in a warm rug :)
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Seriously thats it. Less than 48 hours before I leave for Crop Camp. You know us in charge leave our homes at 8am in order to be prepared to crop, eat and hang out with our 80+ favorite people.
Did you know we have some new vendors this year? YEP YEP! Scrapbookin' IN Sapulpa and this chick is soo sweet I have talked to her and am loving her personality you wont be dissapointed shes like Stacy's mom, she's got it going on.
OH and the TLC chick rocks too and she has great hair. Seriously talk to her get to know her. She is from Bartlesville and will be a fun happy camper.
And Mrs Marty Spangler. A seriously rockin' CM Chick, love her, love her crops and her talent. She is one fun lady so you will enjoy her emensely.
I unpacked and labeled all the t-shirts and pants last night and can't wait to slide on my new pants and some fuzzy socks and do some serious, eating, cropping and teaching!
Did you know we have some new vendors this year? YEP YEP! Scrapbookin' IN Sapulpa and this chick is soo sweet I have talked to her and am loving her personality you wont be dissapointed shes like Stacy's mom, she's got it going on.
OH and the TLC chick rocks too and she has great hair. Seriously talk to her get to know her. She is from Bartlesville and will be a fun happy camper.
And Mrs Marty Spangler. A seriously rockin' CM Chick, love her, love her crops and her talent. She is one fun lady so you will enjoy her emensely.
I unpacked and labeled all the t-shirts and pants last night and can't wait to slide on my new pants and some fuzzy socks and do some serious, eating, cropping and teaching!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Here it is. After alot of discarded chipboard and head scratching I got it all figured out just for you! This is the 10 Things I Love altered chipboard album class. I will be teaching it for the Winfield Arts and Humanities on April 12th at 6 pm. You can contact them at 620-221-2161 to register we are limited to 12 participants. The cost is $15 and all you have to bring is your basic supplies and 10 4x6 photos of things you love, whether they are things, people or places!! This is all done out of the NEW Basic Grey Scarletts Letter Line and we will be using ink and paint and recycled milk jugs and foam too!
NEXT~ My dear in-laws got dune buggies. Me a virgin at the experience was a little nervous driving it last night as our house was being shown but let me tell you I lived a sheltered life. THAT ROCKS!! OH MY GOSH!! I was a little nervous allowing my 10 year old to drive me around and then screamed like a little pig tailed girl while Ryan took me all over the pond balls to the wall BUT IT WAS A BLAST!! I can't wait to get out again and get pics of the kids hair blowing back laughing and screaming and hitting hills of dirt and bump. OH if the weather holds out you will see it.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
OH MY. Yes I am still alive and kicking. If you all read the Scrap Funattic Blog or know me you now know I turned 30 last thursday. It was alot of fun, Friday we did the comedy club and had dinner and I had the spicest Bloody Mary EVAH! Serious OH MY I needed a firefighter.
Saturday I worked my tiny ass off. I got things ready for the Crop Camp garage sale and my Layout Design Shortcuts class. Thanks to all the ladies who have signed up and shown interest in this class I appreciate your support.
I promise to post a picture tonight of the project I am working on called "10 Things I Love" I will be teaching this class at the Arts and Humanities class on April 12th. You can call them to register I can only take 12 and I hear its filling up. Its an awesome chipboard album using the Basic Grey Scarletts letter and foam and some trash to treasure stuffs. My favorite. I will be submitting this beautiful little fun album so cross your toes for me.
We hope to be moving in a month. Just pray for us its been a long time coming and pretty stressful so I hope we are getting closer and closer.
One last thing and I will post a pic of it too I got this Saturday www.clipitup.com and the person who designed it is BRILLANT. Finally all my stuff is all in one place that makes me pretty darn happy.
Saturday I worked my tiny ass off. I got things ready for the Crop Camp garage sale and my Layout Design Shortcuts class. Thanks to all the ladies who have signed up and shown interest in this class I appreciate your support.
I promise to post a picture tonight of the project I am working on called "10 Things I Love" I will be teaching this class at the Arts and Humanities class on April 12th. You can call them to register I can only take 12 and I hear its filling up. Its an awesome chipboard album using the Basic Grey Scarletts letter and foam and some trash to treasure stuffs. My favorite. I will be submitting this beautiful little fun album so cross your toes for me.
We hope to be moving in a month. Just pray for us its been a long time coming and pretty stressful so I hope we are getting closer and closer.
One last thing and I will post a pic of it too I got this Saturday www.clipitup.com and the person who designed it is BRILLANT. Finally all my stuff is all in one place that makes me pretty darn happy.
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