Wednesday, May 07, 2008

LOOKIE Here is the slideshow from the Kenny Chesney Concert! Shandra was a darn good photographer :)


~BuzyKeriBee~ said...

WOOOOOEEEE!!! All I have to say is he is more thats eye candy... holy patooties!!! That is something to have, and OMG... SIMPLY DELISH!!!
Looks as if ya'll had a great time... I so know you took him home... i so know this...LOL
Miss ya!!

1978 said...

your awesome! Yeah my site is not finished, we just put it up to see if there were any bugs. It will have an intro and a few more sample books.

I just got asked to teach a class in the Creative Photography Retreat in San Jose! You should come take my class!! Then i will have at least one person there.

Summer said...

Happy Mother's Day!!!