Saturday, May 15, 2010

10 Years..Its True

Ten Years Ago.. This month Ryan and I met for the 1st time at the Wichita River Festival. His sister Traci convinced me to come watch him and their dads construction crew compete in a Tug Of War contest. So I went, we both were looking for the same thing. Nothing serious just someone to hang out and have fun with. Well as the evening progressed we went to Traci's house and had steaks and drinks and we visited alot. I left because of other engagements but was glad I went. Ya it helped he was tan and super good looking and was confident but not cocky and polite but allowed me my space.
As time progressed we would just spend 1 night a weekend together usually at the bar after I took Carlee to her dads. The other night allowed me to be with my friends. He spent time with his friends the weekends I had Carlee. I never mixed boyfriends with her makes things more complicated than it needs to be. After 6 months or so it was all weekend. After a year had passed I would get very upset leaving on Sundays. I would be torn between seeing my daughter and missing her and leaving him. When I think back the time we spent was really only every other weekend and some days during the weeks of the summer if Carlee's stepmom didnt mind. She always understood because she too had been a single parent. So now here we are 10 years later and he still cracks me up and has taught me to relax. Ya know when we first started dating I never owned a tshirt or comfy pants. I wont admit now how many I own. Seriously...


Brandy Cuevas said...

Such a cute story! It probably doesn't seem like 10 years huh? Time flies!!
Cute pics!!

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

Time does fly by doesn't it? :)

The Curtis Family said...

You are one hot momma!! Congrats on 10 yrs!!

Dusti said...

Love the pictures - fun story. Can't imagine a wardrobe without t-shirts and comphy pants! :) congrats on 10 years!

laura mcpherson said...

Just catching up on blog :) CONGRATS on 10 two are a sweet couple! Time definitely flies. I can't believe I was 15 when I met Justin, and now I'm 30! Just seems crazy!

Hope you two have many more happy years and memories!