So this is what my Fridays have become. The 45 minute drive to Ponca, praying that Carlee's dad shows up so I am not forced to be her catcher because she throws softballs really really hard I have bruises to prove it. The treat is Starbucks after it makes up for the heat and bug bites. Stupid mean bugs. Saturday we slept in and then had practice at 2 then to the pool we went. MUCH NEEDED I was hot and didnt help with practice that was awful. So I read and lounged at the pool. Then came home and worked on stuff for my bulletin board. This morning I worked on some page kits I am awaiting my invitation for a Friday Night Scrappy Lounge Date (hintn hint) so I plan to prepare. Then at 1 we celebrated my parents 25th wedding anniversary and I will share those pics tomorrow. I know you are thinking 25? that doesnt add up I thought you were older? Well thanks for thinking that but my parents divorced and then remarried later so theres that explanation. had they stayed married it would have been 38 years in september. Then to the pool cause its hot! Then an hour of pitching and hitting with Carlee. Good thing I am young. WINK WINK

Carlee is growing up so quickly! Of course it's been years since I have seen her. Looks like you are keeping busy...probably even more now that summer is here. Enjoy your days by the pool!!
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