Friday, December 25, 2009

Today was the DAY family Christmas. I left home at 10:20 to head to the state line to pick up Miss Carlee. Then I had to come home to get in Ryans jeep because NOWAY would my car have made it down that road, my FIL had to get the tractor out to clear drifts SHEESH!!
MY Inlaws got me the coolest sweater and you will see me in it with pics tomorrow from my families Christmas.
The pictures down below are just a few from Carlee's Scavenger Hunt to get her to her Taylor Swift Tickets. It was great and she loved every minute of it. The last few years Christmas with Carlee has been us watching her. It was fun for all of us to follow her around as she tried to figure out where the next clue was. She honestly couldnt believe she got the tickets. It was soo hard to keep this a secret. It was a blast! Ryan got me a gorgeous Love Knot diamond necklace and when I can get pics I will share. I just wanted to share her excitement.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

So tomorrow is Christmas eve...and I am tired.

I went to work at 7am to observe how to draw blood for lab work. I will be starting Phlebotomy Classes in January and am excited. The company I work for will pay for it, our nurses just dont have time and honestly its one more thing that I can have knowledge of just in case my position gets cut, so I need to always be one step ahead.

Carlee had a Orchestra Concert last night and did amazing I was soo proud. Even more proud when my mom and I met Carlee and her dad for some mexican to see that she had a wet towel on her chin. Her dads comment"She bit beak in your high heel boots, I dont think she is ready for those type of shoes yet" DUH Ya think geesh, it wasnt large but deep to the bone. I butterflied it, gave her a kiss and her dad whisked her away to OKC until Friday.

So I am now just gonna crash, count my blessings, thankful for all the nice things people have given to me and done for me.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

How was my day spent? At 10:45 am I left to pick up Carlee from her dad at the state line then headed to my mother in laws for Grandma B's annual Christmas. We always get together the Sunday before Christmas. The top picture is my mother in laws tree. ITs completely covered in Santas and everything at her home is decorated in Santas. I hope to have a gingerbread tree some year just like hers and then another for the extra ornaments that were given not gingerbread ones. The second picture is pepper nuts, Ryans grandmother Gladys Day made them every year so Carole makes them every year for Ryan, Traci and KG my father in law. The 3rd picture is the cookies from Great Grandma Jansen, so they fit for Grandma B's side of the family, Carole said they were mailed to her and Donna Jo every year. They never came intact I guess but they love them and both cookies are nostalgic and hold memories for each side.
The fourth pic is me working on the craft with the kids at the annual cookies and crafts at Flower Kathys house. And the cookies are the completion of the day. I am tired, watching Survivor preparing for the week to come.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

This is Tina's coleslaw salad recipe that Ryan and Carlee absolutely love so its a double batch for Grandma B's Christmas at noon on Sunday.
The delived eggs are going as well. They are my father in laws favorite and he hasnt been feeling well so he really totally deserves these.
Then these are the Redneck Turtles, I heard Ryan cracking into these this morning in the fridge. He was breaking them apart off the tinfoil.
Speaking of tin foil or aluminum foil did you know it came in different thickness? UM YA!! Oh my goodness I
just buy whatever is cheapest. I guess it would have been beneficial for my Brownies that my intentions were to use cookie cutters and the FOIL STUCK BAD!! Thats when Ryan asked my why I bought the weakest foil, UH DUH! I had no cookin clue!
So thats what you see on the second picture from the bottom . The bottom pic is my craft participation for Cookies and Crafts at Flower Kathys tomorrow afternoon. I will have pics from both events to post here.


Friday, December 18, 2009

Guess what I have been doing? These my friends are called Redneck Turtles. Shandra renamed em from White Trash Turtles and I like her name better. I made 2 tray fulls for our family christmas sunday and hopefully have some left for Cookies and Crafts at a friends house Sunday afternoon.
Here are some pictures from our quickee trip to Branson last weekend. The first one is in front of the tree at the entrance of Dixie Stampede. The other is at the shopping district in old Branson but its old Branson with a really cool new mall.
Well I am working on the craft project for Sunday so if its successful I will share.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

hmm today in the Day/Miller house.
I worked until 4:30 but the last hour was spent with the Dentist fitting in some 5-10 minute appt's so we didnt have to loose out on that time the next few days
picked Carlee up from Cheer Practice and then onto Pitch Practice.
I went to the store and am taking care of my sick hubby he has been puky since Sunday morning so we are trying to get healthy again on his end.
I did 5 loads of Carlee's laundry yesterday and like the ladies said at work maybe she has too many clothes and I am thinking they are right.
I hope that the new way to stop smoking the ECiggarette works for Ryan, it came into the mail today and you can gradually reduce the amount of nicotine to quit smoking. Say prayers...

Monday, December 14, 2009

So this past week has held so many things. Days of working as a dental assistant. Christmas party for the KDOC side. This includes everyone who works at the correctional facility not just contract employees like myself. I was asked to be on the Wellness Committee. As a rep for the contract side I just help to make things better for the employees and do things like send flowers when someone is sick or a loved one has passed. I just accepted this position 2 weeks ago so doing the party was an experience.

Carlee and I went to Branson with my family saturday morning and came back sunday at about 9 pm. Ryan had been throwing up all day but didnt want to tell me thats why he wanted to know when I would be home. He wanted me to have a good time which was so sweet but I felt bad him here all alone puking his tummy up.

I purchased a purse which I hope to share pics of, as well as saw the Christmas Dixie Stampede while we were there. Carlee got a charm for a Brighton Necklace her dad has started for her so I cannot wait to add something special when she turns 13 next month.

I plan to do some more Pioneer Woman cooking with the enchiladas this weekend so we shall see how it all goes. I dont feel brave enough to be a member of her cooking community just yet, but some day I hope.

I watched "Julie and Julia" the movie this evening and it was very awesome and inspiring. Its a must see if I might say.


Monday, December 07, 2009

So a package shipped out, not for Christmas but another purse sold on ebay courtesy of Kathy. Spanx Alot!!

Came home and cooked Meatloaf from Pioneer Womans new cookbook. It was a hit thank goodness cause they are eating it tomorrow nite too. :) Its a dental day and I already know I will be tired.

Ryan got us these cool covers for our car windshields so hopefully it will be easier to clean off the ice crap we are suppose to be getting. Not my favorite, I seriously belong in a warmer climate SERIOUSLY! Just like in the picture thats what I need.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

So some shopping today with my MIL Carole and SIL Traci in Wichita. Holy Canoli!! How crazy and busy. I had one magazine I really wanted the bookstore we went to didnt carry it. UGH! So a few things for Lena and Carlee and a few basic tshirts for myself and I did some following around.

Next weekend is Branson and my ever loving pursuit to find THE PURSE. Its hard to fork over money for an OK one when I think thats the key THINK I know the one I want.


Saturday, December 05, 2009

So ya where have I been? Not alot of places and I think its time to get back to blogging. Not just for you but for me as well. Good head clearing therapy, I need lots of space to share so for a few pics lets begin. Anyone know this lady?

This is THE Pioneer Women you can visit her site here I know some of you follow her so I want you to know I was at Ponca City Oklahoma Brace Books at 9am to get my number at 10 am then went back at 1pm with #25 to have her cookbook signed and personalized to me :) Yes I am proud.

Last night our Cheri had us over for dinner and a fun Christmas Exchange I will guarantee you there are great pictures of me floating about but I dont wanna mention why I dont have any on my camera :) Finished a pillow today courtesy of Brandy its a fleece OSU for my Carlee. Its a travel type for her to tote from here to there.

Glad to be back in the blogging world. Missed everyone and myself XOXO