How was my day spent? At 10:45 am I left to pick up Carlee from her dad at the state line then headed to my mother in laws for Grandma B's annual Christmas. We always get together the Sunday before Christmas. The top picture is my mother in laws tree. ITs completely covered in Santas and everything at her home is decorated in Santas. I hope to have a gingerbread tree some year just like hers and then another for the extra ornaments that were given not gingerbread ones. The second picture is pepper nuts, Ryans grandmother Gladys Day made them every year so Carole makes them every year for Ryan, Traci and KG my father in law. The 3rd picture is the cookies from Great Grandma Jansen, so they fit for Grandma B's side of the family, Carole said they were mailed to her and Donna Jo every year. They never came intact I guess but they love them and both cookies are nostalgic and hold memories for each side.
The fourth pic is me working on the craft with the kids at the annual cookies and crafts at Flower Kathys house. And the cookies are the completion of the day. I am tired, watching Survivor preparing for the week to come.
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