Sunday, September 30, 2007

So last Sunday on our way out to a family dinner we spotted this sunflower field. Mind you its on our way to Shandras house as well but we never noticed it until this day, Well I didnt have my camera. SO after Carlee was done at AWANAS and the sun was setting we grabbed a few shots. I was pretty happy with how they turned out, what do you think?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

So we are dedicating these layouts to friends and to Elsie!! I will raise my glass of milk and my 2 Reese's Peanut Butter Cup pumpkins to Rockin' friends and Awesome designers

Monday, September 24, 2007

These are dedicated to Amy, because we both love Halloween. These were last years, just wait until I get this years done, I have been stalking Martha.
Tonight I am artfully drained. I am working on my AC Album for Aweso{me} class nuff said so here is some stuff to look at.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

I know 2 posts in one day but its important:

Its important we remember the little things, for me its the little things my husband does that I dont expect.
Last night at a friends house for the Last Run she was hosting a jewelry party and he bought me a GORGEOUS set of turquoise bracelets. Such a suprise for him to say "pick something out" and you bet I did. And this evening he made a bag of popcorn and brought me a little bowl. See its the little things in life that matter that you look back and remember things that made you smile or made you feel special or important to someone you love.

1-One thing I'd grab if my house were on fire: Besides my family and pets? Albums and Jewlery(not replaceable you cannot rebuy memories.

2-One thing I wish I could throw away: My stash of makeup I never wear

3-One thing I will never, ever throw away: Mementos of the life that makes me happy

4-Something I lost, and still miss: My class ring it didnt look like a class ring it was soo pretty

5-Something I have kept since childhood: My teddy bear Teddina

6-A food item I will never run out of: Salsa

7-A household brand I am very loyal to: Purex Laundry soap, it seems the Strobels are allergic to Tide ALL OF US

8-Something I sleep with every night: A fan on

9-One thing that's on my wish list: A new truck for Ryan

10-Something I take everywhere I go: Cell phone and lip gloss

11-Something that makes me smile every time I see it: Puppies and kittens

12-Something my children fight over: Just 1 child but her and Lena my niece argue over who gets to rock with Grammy 1st

13-Something I hate to clean: Pottys

14-Something I show off when people visit: My House~I LOVE IT

15-Something I hide when people visit: My Scrapbook room always dissary

16-Something I'm embarrassed to admit I like: no embarrasements people know me

17-Something I collect: Starting to collect gingerbread men (they soo sexy and sweet)

18-Something I avoid at all costs: Confrontation

19-Something that reminds me of my mother: My strive to please everyone and keep everyone happy

20. The best gift I ever received: Carlee and my sister-in-law Traci because she introduced me to Ryan. She knew we just didnt.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

A few more layouts to share, just here and there. 4th of July has been haunting me since last year too many pics not enough space used all the great paper I liked couldnt find anymore, still got a pile of 4th of July pics left. UGH
Last layout I did at CKU in 2005 2 years ago this month it was originally a 12x12 and I cut it down and finished finally after all this time. It was a Jenni Bowlin Class. LOVE that girl, I need to get her monthly kits again and add that to my Christmas wish list they are amazing.
Well I teach on Saturday and am looking forward to it. LOTS of familiar faces and some new ones too. LOVE that mix of those who know I am ok on meds and those who arent sure LOL
More soon I am cleaning and organizing tonight and tomorrow night as well as packing. I have some layouts that need some journaling and scanning so hope to get to those soon. TTFN!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Ok I have been getting this in emails so instead of replying to everyone hopefully you all can read it here. I should totally include it in my Aweso{me} Album

1. What is your occupation? Customer Service rep and Admin Asst.
2. What color are your socks right now? None I hate my toes being confined
3. What are you listening to right now? phones ringing the VP talking
4. What was the last thing that you ate? cream cheese and Raspberry Chipolte Sauce thanks to Cheri
5. Can you drive a stick shift? yes but prefer not to, my nerves can't take it
6. What color would you be? pale with freckles
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? a lady who couldnt figure out our website
8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? yep all of them
9. How old are you today? 30
10. Favorite drink? Lime Dr. Pepper
11. What is your favorite sport to watch? UFC!!
12. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yep only my mom and God knows my true haircolor
13. Pets? yep 1 dog and some fish -1 he met the porcelin God 2 days ago and soon lizards
14. Favorite food? BBQ
15. Last movie you watched? The Departed
16. Favorite Day of the year? Halloween or Arkalalah weekend
17. What do you do to vent anger? Clean if its hard and thorough I am not happy
18. What was your favorite toy as a child? Legos
19. What is your favorite, fall or spring? Fall
20. Hugs or kisses? Both
21. Cherry or Blueberry? Neither I can't stomach baked fruit
22. Do you want your friends to email you back? Or post on their Blogs and link me :)
23. Who is most likely to respond? I dont know who reads my blog for sure
24. Who is least likely to respond? same as above
25. Living arrangements? 4 bed 2 1/2 bath in Winfield, KS
26. When was the last time you cried? wow its been a while
27. I lost it in the email I guess
28. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending this to? ???
28. Who is the friend you have had the shortest that you are sending this to? ???
30. Favorite smell? A Fall rain in Eureka Springs first thing in the am
31. What inspires you? My surroundings
32. What are you afraid of? People I love passing on
33. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Cheese and spicy
34. Favorite car? Corvette
35. Favorite cat breed? There are so many!! Persian
36. Number of keys on your key ring? 3
37. How many years at your current job? 7
38. Favorite day of the week? Sunday because I do laundry dont wear makeup or do hair.
39. How many states have you lived in? 2 Kansas and Oklahoma

Sunday, September 16, 2007

WELCOME to Bluegrass. Yes the last pic is me in a hoodie it was COLD COLD Saturday. 2nd, 4th and 5th picture is seriously a mini van covered in post it notes, 2400 of them to be exact as you can see from one of the notes it took them 4 hours. We saw the begining stages Friday night but never expected to see this on Saturday. Ryan got a great pic of a peace sign was right by Stage 5. Seriously it was one of the best Bluegrasses for me, very relaxed and lots of time for dear hubby. I am not sure he would call it his best but I sure consider it to be for me. Carlee got to enjoy the fiddle championship with Mom and Dad Friday and now has become a bluegrass babe, thank goodness she is only a $5 date and then $40 after for the shirt and coffee and corn and roasted sugar peanuts. Goodness!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Some eye candy to keep you preoccupied while I am getting in some much needed Hubby time at Bluegrass this weekend.
Looking forward to my Cropper Hopper class next weekend we have some great ladies coming and I am excited to get a few more organized. Still one spot if you want to or know someone who does. Hopefully I will get some Bluegrass pics posted Saturday or Sunday.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A little change of scenery on here. I did this one at Crop Ganza I am just getting around to getting layouts scanned and uploaded. Not sure why I feel the need to do this I started this when I was submitting heavily and am not anymore.

Had a Crop Camp meeting this evening and am SOO excited about the classes that are going to be held. I will reveal on here soon so if you are attending and your friends are you may wanna start blog stalking me.

Got one opening for my Organizational Class next weekend and I have changed it up so if you have considered it NOW IS THE TIME Crop Camp is getting closer and wouldnt it be easier to have page kits and be better organized?

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Yep this is what I have been doing today. Ball of potholder loops meet my blog readers. Each of these loops have to be hooked together then they are going to be knitted into a really sweet rug. Once my right hand recovers the damage of holding onto a size 35 knitting needles and alot of potholder loops. Thanks to Kathy for being my personal shopper yesterday picking up these bad boys and a size 7 needle for future projects and the loops. Mom got me some loops too in Ponca I think I have 8 bags and need 20 wish me luck.

On another note I have 1 opening for my get organized challenge class so if you are considering it this is the time. I have added some easier tasks and perfected some sections. Take the leap and get organized before Crop Camp you wont regret it.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

WOW its amazing how quickly a week can go by. Saturday I took the Aweso{me} class at Scrap Funattic with Summer and it was amazing. Already ready for next month can't wait want more challenges come on Summer give me some homework!

I start a BPS class day its called "Scrap Your Scraps" and for all of those who asked questions about organizing your scrap pieces of paper I can't wait to see how it all pans out so that I can help others with a part of organization that haunts me every time I scrapbook.

The picture above is me at the knitting store. I did finish my cell phone cozy and am waiting for this book there is a pattern or 2 I am wanting to attempt so we shall see.

Ryan decided last weekend since we have this HUGE aquarium who used to house Lizzie the very large iguana he had instead of another tank we are doing a home for little lizards and a turtle for me cause I really want one. I think I wanna name it Tink and I dont even have one yet. We hope to go this weekend and check out things for getting it set up in our newly painted basement he and Bry worked hard on over Labor Day. Well I have layouts to post so when I can catch my breath at home I will get those posted along with my class assignments from my BPS class. TTFN