Tuesday, November 13, 2007

WOW I know its been awhile a LONG WHILE. Crazy things going on around here busy days and weeks. I was out of comission Sunday I was up until 4am and woke up feeling YUCKEE! Went to work Monday lasted until 1 and called it quits and laid on the couch with Dr. Phil that was it until Carlee got home from School.
Today was violin and hair cut day for her and her hair is ADORABLE I will post a pic tomorrow since we are getting our Dancing with the Stars on right now, cause the Cheetah Girl Will be on.
<---------Can you believe this exists in my house. Yep one of Carlee's 3 closets I may just have to tackle it myself it haunts me in my sleep, serious how could you find anything in there?
Saturday I am teaching my LIFE CHANGING CROPPER HOPPER GET ORGANIZED CLASS, I keep being told how much better of a scrapper people have become because of this class and I think the Scrap Funattic girls for allowing me there so often and ALL day on Saturdays and we take up the whole class area. I have 3 spots open so please do this for yourself, you will not regret it and if you dont wanna drive and you are coming from Winfield I can help you with that too!! There are benifits to riding with me, Serious ask Danelle and Susan I organize your stuff on the way up and home NO JOKE! Been known to make a few house calls too. SHHH


Kathy said...

I am going to take you up on that someday. If we don't go to Enid this weekend and there are openings last minute, I may indulge myself.

Christie said...

Love the new blog look! You are getting spiffy!

~BuzyKeriBee~ said...

Your daughter is sooo cute!!! Love the blog and I know about those lil messes... We just takled my boys's room this last weekend and OMG.. 8 bags of sheesh I tossed out... some stuff they needed and some stuff they don't know about... Oh well... NOW it looks good. Would love to be soo organized!!!!
Can't wait to see you hugs~