Friday, January 15, 2010

So how was everyones week? I have decided as I am about to begin a really hectic next few months I have decided to do a giveaway. I have quite a few really nice scrapbook kits. So I will give one away in a random drawing to those who comment on this post. I am going to rename my blog because obviously I am not scrapbooking as much as I use to. Not that I dont want to its just other things take priority. I miss the creativity no doubt.
Right now Ryan is 21 days smoke free he has avoided 419 cigarettes!! He has been a completly different person in an amazing way. He is using the new E-Cig he orders from here if you have tried quitting and couldnt PUHLEASE look into this. He has smoked since he was 18 and tried it all. He never went thru the grouchies thank goodness.
Anyways off to the giveaway you have until MIDNIGHT SUNDAY NIGHT! I need a new name for my blog so knowing what you know about me and my life I want something catchy. HECK I will do 2 prizes if there are 20 entries or more. 1 for the random and one for the name my family picks.  Feel free to share with your friends!!



laura mcpherson said...

First...congrats to Ryan on quitting smoking! That is awesome :)

Second...I would LOVE to enter a blog name for the giveaway! I might have to come back after I've had time to think it over. I'm not good on-the-spot!

Be back soon....

Anonymous said...

Awesome for Ryan!!! I am so proud of him. So I missed the midnight deadline cause I just got on the internet. :) oh well. I have a blog title suggestion though. How about "A Day in the Life" or "Cupcake Cuttie's Corner" Now this comes from someone who named her blog "Blogadeblog" LOL

The Curtis Family said...

oooh I like Aday in the Life!! Good one Shan!!