Thursday, August 23, 2007

Good Reads:
Ok I have never been an avid reader but have totally been on a kick lately with 3 I have read over the last month. SERIOUSLY!!
So here are my top 4readers in no particular order:

1 Bergdorff Blondes by Plum Sykes
2 Debutante Divorce' by Plum Sykes
3 Nanny Diaries Emma McLoughlin and Nicola Krause
4. Friday Night knitting club Kate Jacobs

I finished the Nanny Diaries last night I got it monday thats how good it is. Seriously.


Steff & the gang!!! said...

I "read" the Nannie Diaries on my way to Springfield Missouri a few years ago - on cd. LOVED it and can't WAIT for the movie!!