Some more pics from Saturday to cheer us all up right?
Thanks for the understanding yesterday from everyone somedays you just feel under appreciated and that noone listens to you especially if you constantly have to repeat yourself.
Well we meet with Carlee's home room teacher this evening. She will have 3 because she is going into the 5th grade and its like a middle school Jr high type of situation. She and I both are excited I am just worried that more attitude will ensue.
Got to spend some much needed talking time with dear hubby last night we every once in a while get to do some talking that isnt about the days etc this is important stuff. I love just sitting there sometimes and watching him work on drawings because he is so talented and smart more than he allows himself credit
I have ALL my page kits packed for Crop A Ganza pretty darn excited now I gotta spend a week deciding what to wear. UGH
Okay chickee, BITE ME!
I see no one posts to your blog, what does that tell you, LOL. Just kidding.
well that crushed my self esteem
oh please! I didn't hurt your self-esteem! If I did I am very sorry.
I can't believe you are already to go. I have my page kits started, hopefully this weekend I can finish them. ugh...lol
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