Did she burn herself with a heat embosser? or maybe cut herself with an exacto knife? Or did she get it twisted by Kathy to get her to the first meeting?
I think some major practical joking is in order if we don't get our answer soon!
I'm sensing someones underwear being frozen, maybe a little warm water on the hand, or perhaps spiders in the bed (but will they be fake?) that's the big question.
It could be revenge of the mommy spider Alicia, I'd watch out if I were you, LOL.
I am a happily married woman over 7 years to a man who shares my passion of photography(he takes I scrap em) Host scrapbook retreats in KS. I enjoy reading and riding bikes when its warm with my 13 YO DD
was it Kathy from a dune buggy wreck??
nope. DANG Michielle you have good guesses
man!!! I'm striking out every which way!!! Was it YOU from a motorcycle wreck??
Too funny. I can't wait to hear these responses. :)
nope. A little FYI for future quiz's I have never broken a bone :)
Okay!!! Then Shandra broke her arm falling off a trampoline while she was playing with the girls!!!??????????
I think it was the wild child Shandra falling off the front porch!!
Was it Kathy falling off a horse?
was it Shandra tripping over her dog???
ok Michelle and Ida have the right person but not the right injury yet
Shandra....hmmmm she probably fell off of a mountain! or maybe she fell off of a chair laughing her butt off!
Did Shandra wreck a dune buggy or motorcycle. Deep in my memory I think I have heard this story, but dang it, it is not coming to me!!!
A HORSE< A HORSE!! She fell off of a HORSE!!
OK, maybe not the horse. How about a bicycle?
Shandra tripped while walking and fell on her arm!!!!
OK you girls are cracking me up. and for the record, i did not BRAKE my arm just injured it. :)
Shandra burned her arm???
Shandra tried to jump over a fence???
Shandra's husband got a little wild while they were 'making out'???
Did she burn herself with a heat embosser? or maybe cut herself with an exacto knife? Or did she get it twisted by Kathy to get her to the first meeting?
Did Shandra sprain her arm while she was showing Alicia and Kathy that she could still do a cartwheel???
I say Shandra got trampled by a crowd trying to get to a Scrapbook Clearance sale and they injured her arm?
Shandra hurt her arm falling on ice?
Shandra was in a car accident?
WOW these answers are great.
Ok now ladies lets think of a sport.
AND LIZ contrary to some opinions shopping is not a sport
Was she playing softball?
Okay!!!.........Shandra hurt her arm playing softball!!!!
did she hurt her arm playing tennis???
Maybe Football!
I say Shandra hurt her arm playing volley ball?
did she fall while playing soccer with the kids???
Ice Hockey?
I know!!!.......she hurt her arm on the playground at school!!!
ladies mud wrestling?
and shopping is to a sport! who's been lying to you?
I agree with you Liz, SHOPPING is a
SPORT! It sure can wear you out!
Ok, Alicia,
I and everyone else has named every sport I can think of, what's the dang answer?
Love ya honey ;)
how about Shandra hurt her arm while playing dodgeball!!!!
oooo wait, I have one more
We NEED an answer!! It is driving me crazy!!
Please... :)
HELLO/?????!!! Is Alicia or Shandra HOME????!!!!!
Did Shandra hurt her arm while learning the Ancient Art of
Now, I don't know about a boycott...maybe we will just short sheet them all!!
OK maybe a boycot is a little much but
TELL US NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think some major practical joking is in order if we don't get our answer soon!
I'm sensing someones underwear being frozen, maybe a little warm water on the hand, or perhaps spiders in the bed (but will they be fake?) that's the big question.
It could be revenge of the mommy spider Alicia, I'd watch out if I were you, LOL.
Okay!!!.........I'm OFFICIALLY throwing a hissy fit!!!......I don't like your games ANY MORE!!!.......me NOT happy!!!
Hey Liz, whipping cream is good, too! It can be used at any time, not just at night....
ooo good idea Ida. I could get the menthol kind, gel type!!
If you don't answer soon Alicia I'm loading up in the car and heading your way (I will have packed the TP too!)
Well I can't wait anymore. I have to get to bed.
If i've won the million call me Alicia.
ok never mind i'll wait now
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