Friday, October 26, 2007

New question for Friday :)

One of us 3 has locked her keys in a vehicle.

Who was it and which Crop Camp?

Ready Set Crop!


Liz S said...

I say Alicia and the second crop camp?

aday said...

Crap am I that easy?

Right person not the right camp.

Michielle said...

Alicia and the very first Crop Camp?

aday said...

Nope keep guessing

Michielle said...

How about the first crop camp in Oklahoma???....of course Alicia did it!!!

aday said...

OK Michielle wins today's question.
It was me and it was Oklahomas crop :)


Kathy said...

Thank goodness her bff Kathy has AAA. Good job ladies, funny how everyone KNEW it was Alicia who locked her keys in the car.