Friday, February 29, 2008
Our good Crop Camp friend Brenda Rodda lost her brother suddenly yesterday and it has been such a devastating shock to the family.
Please say prayers for her family and his family. If you would like to send a card, email me and I will share that privately with you.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I am about done with my 1st pair of matching socks(key word here) so I promise to post those soon as I complete a whole pair that go together in this world. If we were in Dr Seuss world it would be fine.
Class descriptions are due to me this weekend so Kathy can get them on the website, so guess what my goal is Friday night. UMMM any guesses YES DING DING this DING DONG has got to get her sketches off of paper and actually into the Crop Camp Book for class. Nice huh. OOH and my description for the knitting class too!!
We are 9 days from my 30 again birthday, more excited about going to Awesome class. Ryan and I are heading to Wichita this weekend to replace the aquarium full of fish that got boiled while he was sick. And I need panties so that requires a trip to Vic Secret.
Hope everyone is digging the organizational posts, March will ROCK because we will be getting ready for Crop Camp together!! How COOL!!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
So this week its a few things in the Powder Room; Bathroom or Tinklebox as Carlee calls it.
So the golden rule of bathroom organizing per our wonderful that has become my reference guide for these posts the Martha Stewarts Homekeeping Handbook.
Golden Rules of Bathroom Organizing
- Group like things together-store all cosmetics in a washable cosmetics bag or plastic bin (subdivide cosmetics into categories if you have lots) all skin care products on the same shelf in your medicine cabinet, all shampoos in one spot under the sink etc. I have a large cabinet with an expandable plastic spice shelf from Wally Word which makes it easier for me to see everything.
- Git rid of things regularly. Cosmetics have a finite shelf life, as do skin care products and medications. Every year take an inventory, and throw out those items that are expired, you no longer use or are damaged.
- Keep small items in containers. Hair accessories, bottles of nail polish, brushs and combs will all be easily accesible in see-through plastic bins with neat, easy to read labels.
Some Handy Expiration Dates**Mark with a permanet pen when you 1st open the product***
Moisturizer, Cleanser, Exfoliants and Eye Cream 6-12 Months
Foundation and concealer 6 months
Mascara 3-6 months
Powders (face, blush or eye) 3-6 months for eyeshadow; 6-12 for others
Lip Balm 1-2 years Lip Stick 2-3 years
Nail Polish 1 year (when I did nails this was important the state checked to make sure none had expired)
Fragrances 3 years or longer.
And my biggest question was on washing make-up brushes because I have 2 favorites and I dont want to replace them. Mrs. Marissa Steiner who also always has perfect make-up and is a Mary Kay consultant told me you can wash them with anti-bacterial soap and lay them flat to dry. You can also use what ever cleanser you use as well.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Some amazing classes are being turned into me so I am pretty darn excited about that. And have you seen the shirt that Kathy designed? Its here cant wait I plan to get 2 cause I like it soo much.
Ryan is doing much better yesterday he was 110% himself, much better plus 10 in a good mood and helped me out after a hell day at work so I just got to chill, totally love that he notices that and knows when I really need the help. Thank you for all your prayers for us I was really worried for him.
Carlee has her 1st lock in at the church this evening I am excited for her, an exciting and growing up thing for her.
I will either A.finish my sock and Ryans sock so we each have a pair or scrapbook. I will post pics of either when I get done. Wish me luck XOXO
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Who ever made the assumption that Spring Crop Camp and Shandra, Kathy and I were going to crowd 5-6 people at a round table to pack people in for whatever reason you can stop. Or if you heard this please quit forwarding on incorrect information. #1 this is NOT how we do business, one of our rules for ourselves starting Crop Camp was to NOT have crops where everyone is shoulder to shoulder and if you tooted everyone had to clear the building this is INCORRECT!
The MOST would be 3 to a table and this is determined by how many sign up, it may just be 2 that will be determined closer to the date of the crop. We will not ever pack people in to make money we do not believe in that and wouldnt want to be treated that way ourselves.
That being said Thank you to those who are concerned about my hubby this morning was pretty rough especially after he noticed every fish in our aquarium was floating at the time. It seems the heater got stuck and invariably boiled our fish. Not a good smell for someone with a week stomach even worse if you got the flu bug. Nice huh?
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I woke up at 8 am to Ryan throwing up, morning 2 of this and I checked on him with plans of going to get my Sunday Eagle and Sonic stop and back home. No such thing, we checked into the ER at 9:30am checked out at 2pm. He was severely dehydrated took 2 pokes for an IV and a seperate one for blood. Not a good experience for a germaphobe anyways because they were full upstairs and full in the ER of sickees so you can imagine.
Anyways.. lets talk organization shall we? I am beginning to see why Martha is soo liked, anytime I research for this blog I get directed to her. This is from her book "Homekeeping Handbook"
I have scheduled one Sunday a month(because these are my at home days to do these things)
Kitchen: was ventilation hood filters(dont have one so I wipe down the inside of my fridge)
Discard food in the freezer that is past its prime
Living Room: Vaccum fireplace screen(dont have one so I replaced this with removing couch and chair cushions and vacuuming them..our couches and chairs eat crums)
Bedrooms: Launder duvet covers, pillow protectors, mattress pads and shams. This is a very good habit to have if you have allergy problems in your house and pets. This cuts down on that problem
Bathrooms: Wip down tub and shower surrounds; scrub grout(good to do with the toothbrush; wipe inside medicene cabinet.
Closets: hang up piles, fix shoes, vacuum or sweep out.
All thru the casa: Dust ceiling fans and portable ones (another good allergy helper) Wipe interior and exterior doors and trims (keeps em nice and pretty, grungy hands and fingers ya know?) Wipe down switch plates and phones with an antibacterial wipe (big germ catcher) and Flush drains with vinegar; boiling water and baking soda.
As you can see I mentioned how to elimate some germs but after my weekend it makes sense to avoid Carlee and I getting the dreaded bug that lurks around every corner. XOXOXO Alicia
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008
I just realized I didnt post an organizational post yesterday, I promise to do that tonight.
Yesterday morning was eventful see this I happened to be going down 9th to see the neighbor of this house point to smoke and run into his house I flipped a U-ee and told Carlee and her friend to stay in the car, jumped out and ran to the house. Both the husband and wife neighbors of this house and I started pounding on the door and windows hoping noone was inside. The hubby went into the back door and brought their dog out and we continued to try to get the front door open with no luck so we pounded on windows until the police came. They kicked in the front door with an extenguisher in hand and smoke just rolled out. By this time its coming thru every crack that house ever had and they came back out and the fire department went in. I left at this point, no need for me and the girls had Sunday school to attend but it really bothered me. What happens, does someone wait until the family returns back to break it to them or do you just come home to find out that every thing you owned is burnt and your dog is at the pound? How does it work? I would be thankful to have neighbors like these 2 who knew enough that you had a pet and went into your home to save him because you werent home. Ya know?
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
I will miss you all and be so jealous I cannot be hanging out with you. I will miss the 2 moons I was able to witness and I am sure everyone will miss seeing my ribcage and 2 molehills.
To my McDonalds girls I know if I was there you would hook me up and I know you will miss having the skinny bitch bartend cause I know I am sexy in my pj's.
And I will miss smelling Shandra after a meal of mexican.
And trying to talk to Kathy with her music on; and Michelles funny laugh and cute shoes. I know Cheri has more to celebrate this time, and Ms Di, I will miss my preschool stories.
To the Attic girls I know its ALOT of work, but never think its unappreciated we all love what you do to give us the weekend away. Well Chickees have fun; shop alot; laugh alot until you snort, can't breathe and cry; eat alot and enjoy!
Sunday, February 03, 2008
These are things to make your life a little easier. Even being organized in your cleaning schedule gives you a base to follow so that your big cleaning days dont take as long because you have less work.
We have 7 days in a week; we take off Sundays and schedule each room a day. Mondays: Wip down bathrooms and sweep floors. Tuesday: Wipe down kitchen and sweep floor and hallway floor. Wednesday: Dust living room and dining room and vacuum. Thursday: Dust bedrooms and sweep. Friday: Damage Control; for us this is getting everything in its place. Saturday is laundry day unless I am out of panties cause free bushing it isnt for me.
This schedule each day takes less than 30 minutes so while dinner is going or inbetween shows you can do the light cleaning just to stay caught up. Per Martha Stewarts Homekeeping Handbook there are 6 things to do everyday: 1. Make the bed; 2. Manage the clutter; 3. Sort the mail; 4.Clean as you cook(this one has been a challenge for me). 5. Wipe spills while they are fresh; 6. Sweep the kitchen floor (hint here Swiffer Sweep and Vac (my true love).
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers we are taking it one day at a time around here; with that and Crop Camps abrupt change of states its been hectic. We have a busy week so I can't promise alot of posts but you may be suprised.
Enjoy ladies and assign a day