Monday, March 30, 2009
Hubby is recovering slowly from the 24 hour flu it was HORRIBLE! I just pray my immune system loves me enough and I have been a good enough girl to by body that I dont get it. Say a little prayer for me.
You ask how i have time to blog? I AM READY for CROP CAMP!! I could leave in the morning and be A OK. 8 pairs of panties and enuf outfits and 22 page kits. Maybe more I called my wish list into Debbie yesterday so we shall see I AM JUST EXCITED!!
Saturday, March 28, 2009

I keep reminding myself as the rain and sleet started and then ALL THE RAIN that thank goodness Crop Camp is 6 days away. I would have worried myself sick about all of our ladies traveling to CC in this mess. Its a blessing, I bet alot of them got page kits packed {wink wink} and are all packed and ready to go like me :)
Shandra and Susan were without power the last I checked. Kathy and I have enjoyed CITY LIVING WITH ELECTRICITY today. I ventured over to her house to do a little hair highlighting. SHH I will not show the results until Crop Camp. Its a SUHPRISE!!
Baked cookies today for hubby to get him by for a few days. Now throwing some page kits, cause I dont think 20 is enough. Panic packing I guess.
Friday, March 27, 2009
I have made dinner, brats and bell peppers and onions swimming in beer and put it in the oven at 350 for an hour. YUMMY YUMMY! I made the Donna Pretzels as my daughter calls them because Donna Wunderlich shared the recipe with me that she got from a friend.
I have 19 page kits packed. May do more tomorrow we shall see depends on whether we have electricity or not. Kathy has no internet so we are texting or she is replying to emails from me.
She is going to highlight my hair tomorrow, may have to find a different mode of transportation considering the ice, sleet, ice and rain havent stopped. We have tree branches hanging to the ground that you couldnt even reach before just standing in the yard. Scarey thought. At least none are close to our cars or the house.
Sleep tight and luck to all of those dealing with the winter storm. The positive side is that its keeping all of us home and inside to prepare for Crop Camp!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Off to take Grandma B dinner and pick up Carlee from Awanas and hopefully stay up until 9:30 to call my Crop Campanion Susan. Miss yA
Saturday, March 21, 2009
I have 39 out of 52 cards done, but ran out of cardstock and still need envelopes. So I ventured a shower about noon and am at this time supposed to be typing my class for Crop Camp.
If you are interested in taking a class on packing page kits this is the time. Even if its a refresher course this class has been revamped and cut down so that you can do this and it doesnt take away your cropping time at Crop Camp. You can email me at to sign up its $10 and includes a Cropper Hopper page planner and sketches and instructions and some steps to get you there. Quick and easy and only an hour of your time.
so there, now I gotta be busy or Shandra will find me.. teehee
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Ok I am done being a Whiney Hiney I promise no more pity party for me. I have overcome the panic I should reconsider meds.
went for a haircut thank goodness for Shondelle I feel like a left a bunny on her floor with the amount of hair I left behind. Too much hair on this head I should check the scales see if there is a difference, seriously people if I start to look like Chewbaca lives up there TELL ME!!
Dental day tomorrow must sleepy sleepy now.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I tried a few new recipes yesterday I tried 4 and was happy with 2 so whatta do. Trial and error I guess. I want to seriously start packing for Crop Camp, seems too early. I mean seriously is it just to avoid the housework needing done or am I just looking forward to 3 whole days and nights of just worrying about myself and singing Ice Ice Baby and Goodbye Earl. Maybe its just a time to just worry about me about when I get up, when I eat, how late I stay up and how much I get done. Maybe its a selfish thought but I think we as women need and deserve days where the only person we are responsible for is ourselves.
This week will be an odd one. Carlee left Friday night and wont stay the night in our house again until Wednesday, then she is home until Friday night and gone again. She is attending activities in Ark City at the High School pool and its an all day event for 3 days. She will then leave Friday night and go to Springfield with my parents and Lena to go to the caves and do some exploring.
I am planning to get to work at 7 this week to make my evening longer so I can see the light and sunshine longer I need that.
I cleaned out my flowerbeds, I still have A LOT of work to do and need to decide what gets planted this year. I loved having fresh herbs but I need to plant what I use instead what just smells pretty.
I hope everyones Spring Break is nice and the weather is great wherever you go or happen to be.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Here they are!! Go here and order.
Whew! Sometimes its hard to make designers see wha you see in your head and it wont come out! Thanks to Kat, Brent and Christie!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Worked on Crop Camp stuff, my class, card swap, vendors, tshirts(I promise we are closer to showing it) and other stuffs.
I will be teaching a class on packing page kits for crops. How to prepare, how to do it and how to cut down on taking a Uhaul to every crop.
Tshirts just imagine RED WHITE AND BLUE and a patriotic feel.
Vendors and the schedule is here so go check it out and get updated :)
Monday, March 09, 2009
Busy day at work, Ryan and I did our taxes and got it accomplished and done. A little in our favor but not much.
Started working on my 1st set of Crop Camp Card Swap cards, lots of poking holes and stitching. EEK!
Sunday, March 08, 2009
The PJ Birthday Crop rocked! Got stuff done, hung out with the girls, ate alot! It was so much fun having Debbie(Attic Mom) drop in and Steff and Dana and Danelle. Of course us birthday girls Susan, Diann and Myself. Vicki, Rita, Donna and Christal. And Donna that little cutting machine is on my wish list cuz its just compact and cool and I love that.
Jennifer and Kerry and your new friend Emily who shares my birthday too she was way COOL!
It was fun meeting Dianns daughter Zoe's mommy.
Susan, Mandy and I left the store at 3 i think this time change so screwed me up. I got some fabulous gifts, Shandra got me a apron that says "I'll take a caffe mocha vodka latte to go please" so fitting for me.
Susan got me sweet alphas she knows me too well, Kathy got me a gift certificate and believe it orr not I didnt use it all!
I am planning on resting today, I freaked hubby out cause he woke up at 11 and I was still in bed he was worried the sickness was taking me back over, but I didnt get much sleep over the week so I needed to catch up.
Well I am off to have a lazy birthday day hope you enjoy the beautiful Kansas weather, it was a little freaky hearing the faint sound of sirens last night but not anywhere near us.
Friday, March 06, 2009
Oh just great went to work then to the Dr at 10am.
Then what?
Oh I got sent home told I cannot return to work and we are calling your mom and Calvin to guarentee you dont.
Something about 101 degree temp and serious sinus infection and dehydration.
FABULOUS! My birthday is in 2 days the PJ crop is tomorrow night!
Yep sure nuf. Got packed for tomorrow, rested, did laundry,rested, ran dishwasher and put em away and rested now waiting for Carlee to get home cause I hate being home alone.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Ok I am off my pity party, I mean my birthday is in 5days, the pajama crop celebrating my bday and Susan and Diann's bday is in 4 at Scrap Funattic.
Monday I took Kathy to her first check up appoinment and it was great. She is recovering well, while I was waiting I opened my book to read and realized I couldnt reach the arm rests. As I looked around I was like Alice in Wonderland all the chairs werent the size you normally see which is great you know the world isnt full of smaller people obviously and I think its great they respect that but I felt kinda out of place and found it just funny Kathy and I joked about her bringing her Skinny Bitch friend to the clinic.
BUT on a much serious note read this now granted it was weird for me to change and potty in the Attic Employee Bathroom and Edward was staring at me but Steff is upset. So I gotta ask where is Edward? Who took him? Please give him back to Stove Top Steffie she is sad!
Tomorrow is a dental day, plus a Crop Camp meeting I hope to show you the shirts by Thursday and Thursday we have the 6th grade Science Fair and an 8:15 indoor soccer game. Crazy days ahead.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
I am tired and worn out from the allergy crap I am fighting and I am tired of it.
I am not being whiney I dont think.
Well somewhat of a busy day I went to my grandmas and met my sister there and we went thru jewelry and dishes and silverware. I hope to have a nice place to display the dishes someday and I plan to photograph them to remember the story of them and the jewelry and the silverware. She bought the sterling silver silverware right after her and grandpa married she was working for a dentist and every pay day she went and paid a little on them until they were paid off. I love that they came with a story.
Busy week, gotta get tshirts finalized so I hope to get that accomplished and my class ready all for Spring Crop Camp.