Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Beautiful Daughter
http://elephantjuicedesigns.com/viewing/ The pictures are Carlee 13 password miller
13 years ago tomorrow January 27 I gave birth to my only child. I actually started labor with her on December 27 but the doc decided it wasnt time. She needed time to grow. I am pretty sure all the shots they gave me to help develop her lungs are still working well.
at 4:54 pm it will be official she will be 13. I think of all the things her and I have endured. She has been a champion, course she was only 2 when her dad and I divorced but in 2002 she had to share me for the 1st time when I remarried. She is a resiliant little teen(eek) and her obsession with pets I hope stays strong. She is planning to attend Cowley(black and orange hello!) then on to be Vet at OSU(black and orange) following in her Uncle Shawns footsteps. There are days I get frustrated, but she is quite an independent child, and very resourceful at home for me especially with life being very demanding right now. Her name derived from her dads middle name Carl and my moms, grandma Gearhardts and his grandmothers middle name Lee. I wanted to do double "L's" but thank goodness I didnt its hard enuf getting "E's" as a scrapbooker :) her middle name Jean is my grandmother Strobels middle name is Jean, full name Donna Jean but she goes by Jean.  A little of worry sets in I am thankful to have her but wonder what it would be like to have a child with Ryan, but last check of the crystal ball it wasnt seen. I still pray every day that I am thankful what Carlee and I have been thru and am glad that her and I have grown and learned life together. Much Love to Miss Carlee and at 4:54 pm tomorrow she officially is a teen and you may hear me freaking out from the top of the hill at the Correctional Facility. Wish Me Luck XOXO


The Curtis Family said...

oohh those are GREAT! I lovelovelove the black and white against her pink ball glove!!! w/her little polished nails just makes me think ball player/GIRL!!!

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

Awww...Happy Belated Bday Carlee!
Can't wait to check out the pics.