Saturday, August 18, 2007

Lesson for all ladies who read this: NEVER EVER leave your bra unattended or overnight at a friends house in your scrap bag. Someone will envariably find it and then another someone will help someone #1 put it on a bear and then soon realize that the bear's chest wont fill out the bra so there for it requires its paws to fill the cup!!

As you know this wasnt my bra or Susans so any guesses?

PS Liz I still love you chickee!


alison said...

if you wear them on top of your head they almost look like mickey mouse ears!

aday said...

O how funny I will be doing that next weekend!!

Born2scrap said...

i'm thinking i will be utilizing the safe in our room (if there is one) to lock up my bras next weekend at 'ganza. Better to be safe than see my bra on someone's blog next week...



Liz S said...

Shandra really should be more careful!! How funny.


kristyM said...

Holy smokes!!! Looks like you girls had a lot of fun!!