Friday, February 22, 2008

Soo.. Lots going on in the Crop Camp world.

Some amazing classes are being turned into me so I am pretty darn excited about that. And have you seen the shirt that Kathy designed? Its here cant wait I plan to get 2 cause I like it soo much.

Ryan is doing much better yesterday he was 110% himself, much better plus 10 in a good mood and helped me out after a hell day at work so I just got to chill, totally love that he notices that and knows when I really need the help. Thank you for all your prayers for us I was really worried for him.

Carlee has her 1st lock in at the church this evening I am excited for her, an exciting and growing up thing for her.

I will either A.finish my sock and Ryans sock so we each have a pair or scrapbook. I will post pics of either when I get done. Wish me luck XOXO


Anonymous said...

I love the shirts, are the reg. tshirts or the fitted kind? You gals did great on the design this time.