Saturday, February 28, 2009
Cannot even tell you the amount of time in the first round for when the referee called it but it was an AMAHZING FIGHT!
Tyler is no doubt an up and coming fighter and is on to bigger and better things trust me get to know him and his name because he will be bigger then we can ever imagine. He knows what he wants and he is working his way to it and not letting anyone in his way!
Carlee went to a christian rock concert and saw this guy she had a BLAST got home around 11 and grammi picked her up and I assume they both have crashed by this point.
We arent too far behind ourselves the adrenaline has dropped and we are both exhausted.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Tomorrow night we plan to attend the fights at the First Council Casino and watch our friend Tyler fight, pretty big one coming up so we will be going to support him and his family and have some fun while we are at it.
Plan to also get page kits packed for my birthday crop next weekend and am hoping to share a sneak peak on shirts for Spring Crop Camp soon. So my tshirt chickee if you read this let me know how its going :)
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Did about 12 hours today and have 75 charts to audit tomorrow. Then Carlee and I are heading to Newkirk to get her meds, then to pick up BBQ for dinner.
She plans on skating and I will take Rusty and Rene' dinner because Kathy will be home tomorrow! YAAA she seems to be feeling better and healing better I was worried about her.
I am close to bed maybe a little bit of Ellen to make me smile but my eyes are soo heavy!
We are hoping to go watch Tyler Stinson fight Saturday at the Casino in Oklahoma but it depends on a few variables so we shall see.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I realized I didnt post yesterday my apologies.
Lots on my mind, Kat J (Kathy) was supposed to be released after her surgery but it wasnt until today this afternoon that she was released. The trip she had planned for herself, Rusty Rene and Carlee was canceled she is recovering slowly so please say prayers or text her an "I am thinking of you at 620-222-2921.
CCS which whom I work for that are contracted out by the state of Kansas laid off 4 people today. Pretty sad our DON Calvin is being let go, along with the person I just trained for Mental Health so I will be going back up to the 4th floor better get some runner legs cause those stairs KEEL me!
Started Manic but then Tweaker came so I am tossing around which to continue with.
Found a new favorite website my birthday is coming up you know :)
Sunday, February 22, 2009

went to see mandy yesterday afternoon and we did wedding stuff, caught up on things went to ponca to eat at applebee's and got some much needed girl time.
i think sometimes to clear your soul thats what you need you cant do everything with your spouse you need that release and i pretty much spent the whole weekend doing that.
my goals today werer to pack page kits but not sure how far i will get. allergies have taken me down a notch so i wanna sit curled up on this couch and read my book and just be lazy for today. I have next weekend to prepare for the 12 hour crop and so I will do it then.
off to read, enjoy the cold day.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Starting reading "Her Last Death" today very intriguing and interesting. Been totally into biographies lately I guess a better understanding of all the chaos of the world outside my four walls and makes you appreciate your family and your life around you.
Crashing now, got Crop Camp stuff to work on tomorrow, page kits to pack, books to read. Yes books I have another yet to go besides the one mentioned above.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I cannot get into my new book i tried, did some research last night and found 3 others called our library and they do not have those either, I guess maybe I should suck it up and purchase 1 of the 3 and see how hubby reacts about the credit card charge.
Highly considering purchasing an ipod or something for my birthday if you have opinions lemme have em I am all ears :)
Oh and for your blogging and reading pleasure here is a new chick I will be following
XOXOX good night
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009
Carlee had a indoor soccer game we lost 6-9 but for the 1st game of the season it was a very intense and fun game it seriously rocked.
I did some training at work today, got the dental office appointments ready to enter tomorrow and watched as we shipped 6 more inmates out. We used to love it but now its scary because none are coming in. I hope this is just until June I gotta pray cause I need a job.
The Good Lord will bring to me what I was destined to have, I had a nice friend offer if I wanted to travel for her for her company because she has 2 little ones. HECK I would do that now on my weekends with Carlee gone. I was shocked and flattered, so hey Chick call me lets chat again.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The 3 Gerber Daisies in the awesome vase and wrought iron holder came from hubby yesterday morning. SOO Cheery on these cold outside days. Gerbers are my favorite daisies of all you cannot help but smile when you see them.
The next flower is the one that mom brought all of us ladies to work on Friday morning I got the only Dr.Pepper bottle all the others were Coke and I love it! She repurposes lots of things.
Today was just busy its a no wonder I am exhausted after a weekend. laundry shopping and keeping up on the house.
Hope you all have a good week, I will still post so come back ye hear?
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009
I promise to get some scanning of layouts done eventually hopefully tomorrow but we shall see. Carlee will go to her dads tomorrow evening so i may have a bit of down time soon.
Crop Camp is coming along hoping to get a few things finalized I am seriously considering teaching a Page Kit Planner Class for very inexpensive just to help out those ladies that spend hours hoping a page idea will show up at their table or into their bags while they are packed away.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
My dental days are already over this week thank goodness I put in alot ALOT of hours these last 2 days considering my 10 hours of sleep this weekend but it was so worth it.
Carlee has Kids Klub and Awana tomorrow, Parent Teacher conferences Thursday plus Indoor soccer pics and goes to her dads friday. The weekend will come quick I just hope it goes slow so I can recooperate and stay and chill.
I am loving the accomplishments of last weekend I know that FO SHOR! Thats for Krazy Katie!!
Have a good nite!!
Monday, February 09, 2009
started my moms pedi socks got a few rows done.
did dishes from dinner in the bathtub. when I got home yesterday the sink was leaking so its been turned off, so i did ghetto dishes this evening.
got another big day tomorrow another dental day then 2 hour mental health inservice. FABULOUS!! who wouldnt want to start their week like that?
Sunday, February 08, 2009
I will post pics later to show you the layouts I completed YES I did some. Going to venture bed because I have a dental day tomorrow.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Leaving around 10am I believe, may be sooner which would rock.
Got my M&Ms, beef jerky, vitamin water and dr.pepper. Blanket, pics, pillow, smiles and happiness. Check, check and check. ITS TIME TO GO!!
Prolly wont post this weekend unless I can borrow someones puter, gonna leave mine here. It becomes a terrible sucking vortex which = no work completed.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Done studying thank goodness, so I guess my next project is this my mom needs some of these serious pedi socks so I plan to get started soon.
I will be in wichita at Crop A Ganza and hopefully do a side trip and grab some yarn check my needle stash and it will give me something to do for a few weeks. HA!
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
The job situation is still unsteady with no certanties so its a waiting game. My mom checked the Wichita Eagle for jobs, I am sure I will soon be learning to enjoy traveling if thats the case. Gotta have benefits so that may just be what it takes. Cross that bridge when it comes and just thank the Lord I have a job now and maybe on the side I can learn to swing on a pole LOL just kidding.
My next 2 days are with the Dentist and then Friday morning at 10 am I am heading to CROP A GANZA!! Whoo Hoo!
Thanks for your support and friendships
Monday, February 02, 2009
When I started at the end of October my goal was to be done by Crop A Ganza but there were days I wasnt sure. They give you a year to get thru this stuff but things went fast due to where I work and if I got stuck i would wait until the dentist got to the facility on Wednesdays and he would work with me and be patient until I got it. I am so hands on its ridiculous some days.
So now 1 exam and pretty much 3 days to CAG which by the way have you seen the blog yep NEW SHIRTS from Two Chicks and someone with HANDBAGS? HELLO my dreams are coming true!!
Off to study
Sunday, February 01, 2009

Then I watched the UFC fights and my fav fight and he won. wasnt an amazing as a fight as it should have been but BJ Penn couldnt take ANYMORE of GSP's punishment.
Carlee and I got up and went to church this morning at Crossroads its located at the old school on the old highway and it was an amazing service, great pastor, new age up to date music and message prerty darn cool place.
We got social studies studied, division problems done, spelling words reviewed. I got my tool bag reorganized and packed got my Clip It Up organized better and loaded. Threw in 1 page kit minus the page ideas cause I figured if I need it I will get inspired right? Prolly will find an idea cause the thought of the whole thing not being organized will eat at me so ask me on friday k?
Got the clothes laid out for next weekend as well. now just watching the superbowl waiting for the good commercials and posting my weekend all for you. I managed to make chicken salad, cookies and a cucumber salad this weekend as well. No wonder I am tired when I go back to work on monday. Just looking forward to just scrapbooking next weekend, no laundry,no cleaning, no studying. Straight cropping thats it. SOO READY!!