Then I watched the UFC fights and my fav fight and he won. wasnt an amazing as a fight as it should have been but BJ Penn couldnt take ANYMORE of GSP's punishment.
Carlee and I got up and went to church this morning at Crossroads its located at the old school on the old highway and it was an amazing service, great pastor, new age up to date music and message prerty darn cool place.
We got social studies studied, division problems done, spelling words reviewed. I got my tool bag reorganized and packed got my Clip It Up organized better and loaded. Threw in 1 page kit minus the page ideas cause I figured if I need it I will get inspired right? Prolly will find an idea cause the thought of the whole thing not being organized will eat at me so ask me on friday k?
Got the clothes laid out for next weekend as well. now just watching the superbowl waiting for the good commercials and posting my weekend all for you. I managed to make chicken salad, cookies and a cucumber salad this weekend as well. No wonder I am tired when I go back to work on monday. Just looking forward to just scrapbooking next weekend, no laundry,no cleaning, no studying. Straight cropping thats it. SOO READY!!
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