Monday, February 16, 2009

Early post I know but the day will be ending early for me.
Carlee had a indoor soccer game we lost 6-9 but for the 1st game of the season it was a very intense and fun game it seriously rocked.
I did some training at work today, got the dental office appointments ready to enter tomorrow and watched as we shipped 6 more inmates out. We used to love it but now its scary because none are coming in. I hope this is just until June I gotta pray cause I need a job.
The Good Lord will bring to me what I was destined to have, I had a nice friend offer if I wanted to travel for her for her company because she has 2 little ones. HECK I would do that now on my weekends with Carlee gone. I was shocked and flattered, so hey Chick call me lets chat again.