Sunday, January 25, 2009

Just completed Dental Specialties 1,2 and 3 and did the exam with a 90. The questions that confused me and I starred got me.

Moving on, my next shipment of books havent arrived yet so that may give me a day of break I hope.

Waiting on the WINTRY MIX due to get here, but for now I am off to bed. Tuesday is Carlees Birthday she will be 12 and I hate the word "Tween" but we are so there and I wish for the terrible twos again. Seriously all it required was bells on the shoes and there wasnt such things as, cell phones, my space and attitudes. She was just cute and chubby and only got upset when we didnt have a certain blankie. Now I am the mean mom, who just wants to steer her child into the right direction, a different direction than myself. The world is a scary place and she doesnt get why I need to protect her, but I have to, I know too well the things that can happen.



Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

I've been trying to leave comments with no success..will try again!

Hang in there mean mom---I think we need a club, MMC--mean mom club. Man, was contemplating spring crop...but not going to work out...have to work(auctions). I thought that sounded like so much fun.
maybe next year.