Thursday, November 27, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008
I am about to finish the mitten to match the first mitten I knitted in October, hoping it all matches when the second one so the pair is matching.
Finished my 3rd made calendar from Crop Camp weekend, I would post pictures but I took 1! I just wanted to observe and enjoy and be in the pics I guess.
Promise to post pics of Omaha but gotta go rest the blended fingers and ice em again.
Sunday, November 02, 2008

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I am posting from my basement from a laptop wirelessly WHAT A CONCEPT!!
Should I mention instead of blogging I have been sorting close to 500 pictures with the Creative memories Memory manager 2.0 and i am sooo impressed!!!
I am in the process of 2007 pics and I know there is more to this program so I plan to corner Margaret at Crop Camp and have her show me some tips and tricks if you ladies want to you should check it with me!!
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Hello? Anyone out there? Its Me, Gin and Tonic Girl thanks to Marissa!
So I am going to share some pics from our Eureka Springs trip here we go: This first pics is at Sparky's we had never eaten there and it was so relaxed and AWESOME food, Left to right and around, Ryan, Myself, Carole my mother in Law, Kenny my father in Law, Buzz my father in laws best friend since high school and Charlotte his wife. She is seriously like the cool tour guide of Eureka Springs you just wish you knew :)
The next one is of the Crescent Hotel, I went on a 3 mile walk with 2 ladies June and Chris and this was at the end of the trail going down, still recovering from shin splints on the way going back BUT worth the view. And the last may creep a few out but its a memorial marker of a 19 year old girl that we ran across while visiting a really awesome graveyard. No regrets really cool tombstones and tributes.
So Crop Camp classes are coming and there are going to be new faces of vendors I hope you all are as excited as I am.

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Yoder Haus girls my stuff is packed, ok little fib still gotta get the clothes packed but they are the comfy kind wont need to do laundry before then they are all cleaned and ready.
This was my last full weekend home for 2 weeks so you may hear from me may not. I still have lots left on my "Sunday To Do List" sheets have been on the line since 9 gotta go get em. Have to finish knitting a coozie, work on my bulletin board for work, OH and I soldered 4 necklaces this weekend SO COOL! Thanks to Renee and Jana I have yet to set anything on fire but I am just a beginner so there is still time!
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Then onto a comission job then OMGoodness books. I dont brag unless I feel I should share I read "The Glass Castle" by Jeanette Walls in 3 days!! Its based on a true story and you seriously should read this amazingly to even fatham that her life or anyones was this way and she is just so normal. Friday I started "Water for Elephants" bySara Gruen and finished it at 2 am this morning. WHAT? It was seriously that good!
So now I have started a koozie for the water bottles they gave us at work that sweat because its either really hot or really cold, stupid old buildings.
Bluegrass this coming weekend, Yoder Haus next weekend plus the Last Run Car Show then Corvette Weekend. The picture is looking up at the Basin Park Hotel in Eureka. Gosh its been a year since we have been, we used to go 2 times a year and I miss that place. I just realized at 6:30 on Sunday its my last full weekend at home for a month!! Seriously? What the heck I should have been more productive.
I hope all the Ganza Girls had fun looking forward to the Soldering Class with Rene and Jana on Tuesday!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
I honestly have been on the puter (computer) as Kathy, Shandra and I call it but I have been devoting my time to Crop Camp. Good thing since thats REALLY whats important right?
Lots of nice coupons and goodies and certificates coming so I hope the new bucket of emails you all likey the results.
7 Days ladies I am revamping this class, thinking about doing it FOR SURE in Andover and Fall Crop Camp, I cannot wrap my head around doing one at home with my life right now. We pulled 7 yes 7 teeth from one head yesterday that is the most in one sitting for me. SERIOUSLY PEOPLE BRUSH AND FLOSS the outcome isnt pretty. The Doc says if you wash between your fingers and toes its no different then flossing between those teethies!! ICK
Anyways that is my rant on proper oral hygiene this week, I didnt do anything crazy this time like sneeze with my mask on or suck my hair in the suction tube (and yes I have done this and it gives you the eebie jeebies when you realize what went down that tube before you sucked and pulled your hair out of it) DOUBLE ICKY!
So the 7 Days thing email me I am finalizing the design and hope to have Steffanie approve it for Andover and we will go from there. I HOPE I am signed up for the Soldering Class they are doing in a few weeks if you are too and wanna carpool call me 620-222-2580 cause thats the fastest or text me but put your name. I had to get a new phone and dont have everyones #'s. Sorry
Sunday, August 17, 2008
He and his family our good friends of ours and they would appreciate all the love, prayers and support you can give.
For those of you who live in our area keep this event in mind:
On August 30th, there will be a barbeque dinner and DJ at BadenSquare, along with a silent auction, to benefit the Groom family. If you would like to donate anything to the silent auction, you're asked to contact Tammy Cooley at Community National Bank. If you'd like toreserve your spot at the dinner, you need to contact Katie Eastman at 229-3432.
And thanks for any prayer chains or time you have.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Anyways check this out http://asassyaffair.blogspot.com/ I love Summer and Amy and know those 2 brim with TONS O TALENT so keep em checked out.
And I changed my blog to accept posts but nothing, NADA I know I have neglected you but please dont neglect me I could use a hello from my blogger friends, the prison life gets lonely.
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Tuesday, July 01, 2008
That has been the last 2 weeks, sure I was on vacation/in between jobs the 23-27 but that week FLEW by!! Tuesday we did the lake thing with Gina and Flower Kathy(different than scrapbooking Kathy) and just chilled I think I got home at 9:30 but didnt check because HEY WHO CARES I didnt work the next day. Then I pretty much worked on my bathroom the painting and measuring and my BIL came over Saturday and added plug ins I got 4 MORE! That was great considering I just had 2! We had 6 things plugged into a 2 holer with adapters nice huh? Monday I started my new job at the prison and the days are flying by, I have dental days for the next 2 days and they are 10 hour days but today I was off at 3, could have been earlier but I was too busy. CRAZY how can time fly while you are working its amazing how I will have PLENTY to do!
I hope to post pics of the 3 day weekend, I appreciate you ladies who still stay interested in me :) XOXO Love Ya All and I will miss Kathy she leaves Thursday and Shan has already left the state :(
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
If you are interested in checking out the presale items please be at my house 1402 Cherry Street Winfield, KS at 7 pm this Friday night. That is Friday June 20th. Not only are there the scrapbooking supplies, but cool vintage stuffs from my grandma, tons of bedding all sizes, comforter sets, african violet plants, baby items(the big things) and tons of other stuff along with ladies clothing and kids toys and books. Feel free to come visit and chat and celebrate my last day at Husky Liners with me :) CU SOON!
Monday, June 16, 2008

So for those of you who dont know this is my dad. We started the day heading to Wichita with my mother in law Carole, father in law Kenny, sister in law Traci and brother in law

Friday, June 13, 2008
Carlee had a game at 6 which we won, she wasnt happy with her pitching I thought she did great but she is her own worst critic. The second game she was up to bat and dodging balls cause the pitcher was off a bit and they called it because of lightening. Then it just got uglier here from that point, rain, thunder, lightening and rattling the windows. NICE
Our AC got fixed yesterday and replaced due to the nice lightening strike, thank GOODNESS for insurance and fast heating and air guys cause it was starting to get sticky :)
Monday, June 09, 2008
Lots of going ons, I will be having a garage sale on June 21st. If you are interested in the "private presale for friends" just email me. My grandmother has sent some really cool vintage stuffs, I will have clothes and scrapbooking of course, my sister in law has stuffs and we will have flowers too!
So I will be preparing that stuff for my grandma and cleaning out my things and preparing to begin my new job. Missing the scrapbooking world but my head is full of dental terms so it gets the back side for a bit.
Saturday night Lena stayed the night and the AC went out at her house and ours. Funny how that works, both my sis and I are without AC on our main levels of our homes.
Sunday, June 01, 2008

You want good kids, but you also want them to be successful, smart individuals who can speak their minds — as long as they do so respectfully. While you enjoy being the kind of mom that your kids can come to with a problem, you are not afraid to set them straight when they're acting badly. When it comes to discipline, you try treat your kids like adults, talking calmly and coolly. And that's ultimately why they're going to grow up with such unwavering respect for you — as both a mother and a successful person.
Quite funny that Christie and Summer was Marge Simpson and I am Claire Huxtable. Crazy, I must really be the mean mom :)
So many of you may wonder why you rec'd an invite to visit my blog. On Thursday I gave my notice to Husky Liners and my last day will be June 20th. On June 30th I will begin working at the Winfield Correctional facility as a Dental Assistant and Medical Records Clerk. I have always wanted to work in the dental field and financially me not working for 2.5 years and driving back and forth to WSU isnt an option Ryan and I felt this was a good opportunity for me to expand my knowledge of things I can do. Its been a long 3 months for us to make this decision and difficult at times but for the health of myself and my family we feel its a good move for me. I am of course nervous as heck because in April I had been at Husky for 8 years, but I feel its time. That being said I have to keep a better eye on whats going on in my life therefore knowing who knows about me should be kept more private now. XOXO Alicia
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008
We have had softball practice 2 times this week and Carlee is digging this pitching thing. She has practiced alot and Blue retrieves the ball which totally helps her not having to run after it.
Hoping to repaint chairs over the weekend but they require power washing and at this point they are warning our area of KS for severe weather all weekend. Saturday night is UFC Ill Will and I WILL be watching it, some really awesome fighters going for what they want its a big mix of some good ones so its a not miss.
I am hoping to get up to date on my Big Picture Class. I do a little each evening, there is audio and papers to fill out and layouts to do. I hope to post if I can get caught up.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
ANYWHO! Last night was the 2nd game of a preseason softball tournament and Carlee pitched. No she has never pitched before and bless her heart a few times she almost did the baseball throw but she pitched a heckuva an inning and I couldnt have been more excited for her.
I am in the midst of a Big Picture Scrapbooking class called "The Art of Choosing Joy" a second in its series so its been my focus on my down time. What little of that there is lately. Will share as I get further in. it requires some serious self discipline which is difficult when I have my garden to tend to, chairs that need painted and a family to love and care for. Yep I am tired.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Monday, May 05, 2008
So I am sure you were wondering if seeing Kenny Chesney live was worth it friday night? HECK YA!! It was soo worth it, granted I would have like to get a picture with him or something but its all good, he puts on a heck of a show. And LeAnn Rimes WOW gorgeous girl and so down to earth and fun.
Saturday we did the parade for Kanza Days then at 1 Carlee went to the church and I went shopping at Flying Begonias and got the coolest plants and herbs EVAH!! That was a blast! Came home and planted then picked Carlee up came and planted more, took her to a birthday party and then Ryan and I did some more. Sunday my mother in law came over and we planted and designed and finshed the planters and I couldnt be happier. I will totally post pics the transformation from last years weed pit to now is soo amazing! I couldnt have done it without Ryan and my mother in law Carole they helped and worked so hard with me and I am thrilled!!
Sunday afternoon Carlee and I went out to a friends house in the country and she played got dirty we all took tractor rides and saw new baby tiny kittens and just visited. It was relaxing and nice and just overall a very accomplished fun and crazy weekend!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I have 4 to-do/pack lists all piled up on the bar in the kitchen. If I forget something its probably because I am completly over obsessing.
I did pedicures for my mom and aunt last night took about 3 hours not too bad I was working tandem on em both. Carlee gets hers Friday night and I will just repaint mine. We have a so called "free night" tonight she has a Girl Scouts Meeting, I have nothing. Tomorrow night a performance for choir. I am off Friday plan to finish up laundry, pack, make a nice dinner for the fam and do some more toes.
I have all kinds of things spinning in my head that need to be done, now I just gotta get motivated, take some time and get it done. Huh?
Monday, April 14, 2008
The weekend was just crazy, Carlee got a lesson learned in not wanting to do what she was told. Therefore there was no skating, she was asked why she didnt do her chores "I didnt want to" Well guess what you arent going skating or anything else this weekend hows them apples.
Saturday we played with Lydia (4) and Jose (6 months) while there dad got some rest. He had a heart scare Friday and spent the night in the hospital so I relieved a friend of theirs and took the girls for the afternoon and made them dinner. Then went to visit the family in AC before the big cruise.
Yesterday was church, grovery store, big lunch and packing. And more packing, then panic set in. I cannot go 7 days not without talking to my husband so now I am trying to figure out what I can do. Its not going to work I have to be able to talk to him even if its briefly.
Well 4 1/2 days of work, thats it, then to 80 degree weather, good food, sand and sun. So Ready!
Friday, April 11, 2008
I read thru the Attic Blog today that May will be our last class together. I cannot thank you enough for the last year, I am always so proud and excited every time I complete a page, do my homework or finish a layout just for MOI!
Thank you, you are so talented. All the girls last weekend at Crop Camp loved your Aweso{me} talent and ideas and techniques. I appreciate you helping me leave a little bit of myself behind for my only child and letting her see the things that make me who I am.
I wont be there tomorrow, but I will be there in May so that I can get a picture with us together for my album because I never could have done it without you!
Hugs and Prayers and Best Wishes! I hope you once you get things sorted you will guide us again, I will miss you!
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
And Kathy's http://scrapn4fun.blogspot.com/ these are great!! Anyone else?
Seriously ladies you make my day so much better when I can get a little smile checking these out!! THANK YOU!
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Friday: Vintage Crop Camp T-Shirt, there will be a special one and if you are wearing it prizes are involved and no you cannot wear them all at once.
Saturday: The new one for this weekend, of course we have pics Duh!
Sunday: Fall 07 Crop Camp shirts the pretty turquiose and brown one.
Now doesnt that help you to know what clothes to pack for the weekend. Its ok no thanks needed here you can thank me tomorrow XOXOXOXO
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
THIS WEEK IS IMPORTANT!! Get all your pics that you want to take to Crop Camp out and sorted.
1st sort by page or theme, you know you cannot get more than 10 4x6's on a page so if you have 15 pick your favorite 10.
2nd make the piles of the page kits you are wanting to get together. Count the # of pics you have and make a note on a sticky or a page planning card along with the theme of your layout.
3rd find sketches to help you get a jump start on your layout. I always start by the # of pics and then onto the theme. If I have particular paper then I start by the # of patterned paper used so that I can get my $'s worth.
4th make a shopping list (so to speak) of how many patterned papers you will need, how many solids, whether you need ribbons, buttons, etc. Get at least 10 of these done.
Post here with questions and if I get enough who are going along with me I will post the next step early this week so we can be ahead before next weekend.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
1. I have a tattoo of Winnie the Pooh on my butt holding a balloon (dont ask I was 18)
2. I have what started as a smiley face on my toe is now a flower in honor of my best friend Dalana who died when I was 16 and then when I added the flower was when I met my soul mate and married him in 2002.
3. I HATE SHOES, I need to live where I can wear flip flops year around. My toes need to breathe.
4. I have to have a french pedi, no colors please, I like the clean look of it.
5. When having a milk and Reese's Eggs I always have 2 eggs and one glass of milk with 3 pieces of ice.
6. If I eat Oreos its 3 Oreos with 3 pieces of ice in the milk.
7. I always wash my feet before bed if I have been barefooted at any time during the day.
8. I sleep with flannel sheets, an electric blanket at 2, down blanket and quilt all in that order.
9. I will drink a bloody mary with a Bud Light any day over any drink
10. I would never free bush it no matter the consequences even if it meant wearing a thong which I hate those something fierce.
MY 5 are Shandra; Kathy, Roeder; Tracy and Liz
Sunday, March 16, 2008
I met Shandra at Starbucks in Ponca yesterday and she is doing so well. We rarely get to sit down and just talk it always seems to go to the biz side and sometimes that is neccessary but not yesterday. I learned alot about her and her family and her background and I feel alot closer to her now, these are things I didnt know but am glad to.
Kathy, Michielle and I will be driving to Tulsa for the funeral tomorrow and plan to do something for her when she returns to Winfield on Tuesday. If you are interested in being a part of that email me so I can get that going.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
We would like for all of you to know that Shandra's (Shandri-La; DJ Jazzy Shandra) mom passed away this morning. PLEASE PLEASE say lots of prayers for Shandra, her girls and her family. She is in Tulsa with her family now and alot of us will be touching base with her. Things with Crop Camp may slow down or some emails may not get answered immediatly but please know that it is because we are spending our time supporting her. Please keep her in your prayers.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Well I have to give a big thanks to Shandra, Kathy, Diann, Susan, Marissa, Mandy, Michielle, Liz and Tracy for the wonderful birthday dinner at Kobe's last night.
And to Steff, Sarah, Renee, Kristy and the rest of the Attic Croppers for a fun night last night and to ALL of you for the great gifts. Diann made a special coaster just for me that reads "Be nice to me, skinny bitches are people too!" Soo Fitting.
So to the organizational posts and I will throw in a few pics from last night. This week I will be working along side you. Its embellishment week. I have created a basket full that I did not hang back up on my Clip It Up I know naughty naughty. So what we do in class and what I do at home is dump out the basket and divide into categories. Alphabets, Bellies (such as brads, eyelets, button etc) Flowers, Girly (or boy if you dont have the girls) Holidays, Love (which could go into holidays) Quotes and Miscellaneous.
Next I sort all the stuff into these categories, you could go farther and sort all your alphabets by letter and group more than one letter together in a zip loc. ALL of my brads, buttons, flowers are sorted and grouped by color. This works best for me because when I go to embellish a layout I know what colors I want to do it with so I get those bags and dump em out and pick out what I want.
Set aside a good amount of time for this, I know this seems daunting but it will all lead up to getting our page kits ready for Spring Crop Camp!! I will post pics soon I have tried twice now and blogger is busy DARNIT!
Friday, March 07, 2008
And lets hope the organizational post can be made pending I have a monitor that actually works and doesnt taunt me :)
Monday, March 03, 2008
Next is my scrapbooking room as of like 5 minutes ago. I have a pile for Aweso{me} class Saturday, a Crop Camp pile which includes all the stuff that needs to be sorted to go with me. Makes all of you who took my organizational class really assured right now huh? I KNOW I KNOW I will clean it AFTER my birthday.
And also the Crop Camp book I have spent at least 10 hours on and am still not 100% happy but thats ok. Right now all you get to see is the outside the inside will be revealed when I teach the class at Crop Camp and there are some fun elements in this little gem.
I am posting now, because at 10 am yesterday morning I cut myself off from my studio because I had spent a good percentage of my weekend in there preparing my Crop Camp class and I am still struggling. I have to give a thank you to Liz because she made me repeat to myself "My work is not ugly, my work is not ugly" Good Karma that girl has.
Sooo. Crop Camp classes will start showing up periodically soon on the website www.cropcamp.com so check them out. YOU MUST register for them online, I have to have a print out and thats how I get it.
So your goal this week is to get your paper organized because on March 30th we will begin packing page kits. This week go to your paper stash and first organized all your solids by color. Trust me this will come in handy later. Next is your patterned paper, you can either organize by A) Manufacturer B) Color C) Pattern or D) Theme.
The way to determine this is how you search for paper when you need it. Do you remember the company or the theme etc. Set a timer and spend at least 30 minutes while you are watching your favorite shows or just quite time and start to sort. Use post its and mark your piles so if its a few days before you get back to it and you may forget what that pile was. This too will become important when we pack page kits so you arent hauling your whole room with you to Crop Camp. Please post on here if you plan to take this journey this month so I can email you with encouragement and get back quickly with ?'s too.
Lots of exciting things coming up and I hope to get to share with you all. April 4-6 is Spring Crop Camp of course. The night of April 26th we will load up and head to Galveston, Carlee and I are baording a ship with family and going on a 7 day cruise. We return on the 27th and on May 2nd I will get to see http://www.kennychesney.com/ him in concert. Thank you to Dave and Shandra for hauling me along, dont mind being the 3rd wheel if my view is of him.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Our good Crop Camp friend Brenda Rodda lost her brother suddenly yesterday and it has been such a devastating shock to the family.
Please say prayers for her family and his family. If you would like to send a card, email me and I will share that privately with you.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I am about done with my 1st pair of matching socks(key word here) so I promise to post those soon as I complete a whole pair that go together in this world. If we were in Dr Seuss world it would be fine.
Class descriptions are due to me this weekend so Kathy can get them on the website, so guess what my goal is Friday night. UMMM any guesses YES DING DING this DING DONG has got to get her sketches off of paper and actually into the Crop Camp Book for class. Nice huh. OOH and my description for the knitting class too!!
We are 9 days from my 30 again birthday, more excited about going to Awesome class. Ryan and I are heading to Wichita this weekend to replace the aquarium full of fish that got boiled while he was sick. And I need panties so that requires a trip to Vic Secret.
Hope everyone is digging the organizational posts, March will ROCK because we will be getting ready for Crop Camp together!! How COOL!!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
So this week its a few things in the Powder Room; Bathroom or Tinklebox as Carlee calls it.
So the golden rule of bathroom organizing per our wonderful that has become my reference guide for these posts the Martha Stewarts Homekeeping Handbook.
Golden Rules of Bathroom Organizing
- Group like things together-store all cosmetics in a washable cosmetics bag or plastic bin (subdivide cosmetics into categories if you have lots) all skin care products on the same shelf in your medicine cabinet, all shampoos in one spot under the sink etc. I have a large cabinet with an expandable plastic spice shelf from Wally Word which makes it easier for me to see everything.
- Git rid of things regularly. Cosmetics have a finite shelf life, as do skin care products and medications. Every year take an inventory, and throw out those items that are expired, you no longer use or are damaged.
- Keep small items in containers. Hair accessories, bottles of nail polish, brushs and combs will all be easily accesible in see-through plastic bins with neat, easy to read labels.
Some Handy Expiration Dates**Mark with a permanet pen when you 1st open the product***
Moisturizer, Cleanser, Exfoliants and Eye Cream 6-12 Months
Foundation and concealer 6 months
Mascara 3-6 months
Powders (face, blush or eye) 3-6 months for eyeshadow; 6-12 for others
Lip Balm 1-2 years Lip Stick 2-3 years
Nail Polish 1 year (when I did nails this was important the state checked to make sure none had expired)
Fragrances 3 years or longer.
And my biggest question was on washing make-up brushes because I have 2 favorites and I dont want to replace them. Mrs. Marissa Steiner who also always has perfect make-up and is a Mary Kay consultant told me you can wash them with anti-bacterial soap and lay them flat to dry. You can also use what ever cleanser you use as well.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Some amazing classes are being turned into me so I am pretty darn excited about that. And have you seen the shirt that Kathy designed? Its here http://www.shirtsplusderby.com/proofgallery.php?category_id=&parent_id=0&photo_id=261&countdisplay=&start=0 cant wait I plan to get 2 cause I like it soo much.
Ryan is doing much better yesterday he was 110% himself, much better plus 10 in a good mood and helped me out after a hell day at work so I just got to chill, totally love that he notices that and knows when I really need the help. Thank you for all your prayers for us I was really worried for him.
Carlee has her 1st lock in at the church this evening I am excited for her, an exciting and growing up thing for her.
I will either A.finish my sock and Ryans sock so we each have a pair or scrapbook. I will post pics of either when I get done. Wish me luck XOXO
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Who ever made the assumption that Spring Crop Camp and Shandra, Kathy and I were going to crowd 5-6 people at a round table to pack people in for whatever reason you can stop. Or if you heard this please quit forwarding on incorrect information. #1 this is NOT how we do business, one of our rules for ourselves starting Crop Camp was to NOT have crops where everyone is shoulder to shoulder and if you tooted everyone had to clear the building this is INCORRECT!
The MOST would be 3 to a table and this is determined by how many sign up, it may just be 2 that will be determined closer to the date of the crop. We will not ever pack people in to make money we do not believe in that and wouldnt want to be treated that way ourselves.
That being said Thank you to those who are concerned about my hubby this morning was pretty rough especially after he noticed every fish in our aquarium was floating at the time. It seems the heater got stuck and invariably boiled our fish. Not a good smell for someone with a week stomach even worse if you got the flu bug. Nice huh?
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I woke up at 8 am to Ryan throwing up, morning 2 of this and I checked on him with plans of going to get my Sunday Eagle and Sonic stop and back home. No such thing, we checked into the ER at 9:30am checked out at 2pm. He was severely dehydrated took 2 pokes for an IV and a seperate one for blood. Not a good experience for a germaphobe anyways because they were full upstairs and full in the ER of sickees so you can imagine.
Anyways.. lets talk organization shall we? I am beginning to see why Martha is soo liked, anytime I research for this blog I get directed to her. This is from her book "Homekeeping Handbook"
I have scheduled one Sunday a month(because these are my at home days to do these things)
Kitchen: was ventilation hood filters(dont have one so I wipe down the inside of my fridge)
Discard food in the freezer that is past its prime
Living Room: Vaccum fireplace screen(dont have one so I replaced this with removing couch and chair cushions and vacuuming them..our couches and chairs eat crums)
Bedrooms: Launder duvet covers, pillow protectors, mattress pads and shams. This is a very good habit to have if you have allergy problems in your house and pets. This cuts down on that problem
Bathrooms: Wip down tub and shower surrounds; scrub grout(good to do with the toothbrush; wipe inside medicene cabinet.
Closets: hang up piles, fix shoes, vacuum or sweep out.
All thru the casa: Dust ceiling fans and portable ones (another good allergy helper) Wipe interior and exterior doors and trims (keeps em nice and pretty, grungy hands and fingers ya know?) Wipe down switch plates and phones with an antibacterial wipe (big germ catcher) and Flush drains with vinegar; boiling water and baking soda.
As you can see I mentioned how to elimate some germs but after my weekend it makes sense to avoid Carlee and I getting the dreaded bug that lurks around every corner. XOXOXO Alicia
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008
I just realized I didnt post an organizational post yesterday, I promise to do that tonight.
Yesterday morning was eventful see this http://www.newscow.net/story.php?StoryID=1470 I happened to be going down 9th to see the neighbor of this house point to smoke and run into his house I flipped a U-ee and told Carlee and her friend to stay in the car, jumped out and ran to the house. Both the husband and wife neighbors of this house and I started pounding on the door and windows hoping noone was inside. The hubby went into the back door and brought their dog out and we continued to try to get the front door open with no luck so we pounded on windows until the police came. They kicked in the front door with an extenguisher in hand and smoke just rolled out. By this time its coming thru every crack that house ever had and they came back out and the fire department went in. I left at this point, no need for me and the girls had Sunday school to attend but it really bothered me. What happens, does someone wait until the family returns back to break it to them or do you just come home to find out that every thing you owned is burnt and your dog is at the pound? How does it work? I would be thankful to have neighbors like these 2 who knew enough that you had a pet and went into your home to save him because you werent home. Ya know?
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
I will miss you all and be so jealous I cannot be hanging out with you. I will miss the 2 moons I was able to witness and I am sure everyone will miss seeing my ribcage and 2 molehills.
To my McDonalds girls I know if I was there you would hook me up and I know you will miss having the skinny bitch bartend cause I know I am sexy in my pj's.
And I will miss smelling Shandra after a meal of mexican.
And trying to talk to Kathy with her music on; and Michelles funny laugh and cute shoes. I know Cheri has more to celebrate this time, and Ms Di, I will miss my preschool stories.
To the Attic girls I know its ALOT of work, but never think its unappreciated we all love what you do to give us the weekend away. Well Chickees have fun; shop alot; laugh alot until you snort, can't breathe and cry; eat alot and enjoy!
Sunday, February 03, 2008
These are things to make your life a little easier. Even being organized in your cleaning schedule gives you a base to follow so that your big cleaning days dont take as long because you have less work.
We have 7 days in a week; we take off Sundays and schedule each room a day. Mondays: Wip down bathrooms and sweep floors. Tuesday: Wipe down kitchen and sweep floor and hallway floor. Wednesday: Dust living room and dining room and vacuum. Thursday: Dust bedrooms and sweep. Friday: Damage Control; for us this is getting everything in its place. Saturday is laundry day unless I am out of panties cause free bushing it isnt for me.
This schedule each day takes less than 30 minutes so while dinner is going or inbetween shows you can do the light cleaning just to stay caught up. Per Martha Stewarts Homekeeping Handbook there are 6 things to do everyday: 1. Make the bed; 2. Manage the clutter; 3. Sort the mail; 4.Clean as you cook(this one has been a challenge for me). 5. Wipe spills while they are fresh; 6. Sweep the kitchen floor (hint here Swiffer Sweep and Vac (my true love).
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers we are taking it one day at a time around here; with that and Crop Camps abrupt change of states its been hectic. We have a busy week so I can't promise alot of posts but you may be suprised.
Enjoy ladies and assign a day
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008

These as well I have a bag habit obviously. Brand new hauled em home from Crop Camp because the bug is SOO darn cute. I just dont leave home enough I dont think.
I also have a set of Plaid Clear Stamps there are 26 in the set along with an Alphabet they didnt scan well so no option there, but they are brand new and oh so cute!!
Garage Sale Items:
Plan to have these posted by this weekend I will pay shipping if you are not close to me and I will start at low prices and bidder with the highest price gets it. Is that fair?
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Really is 20's really neccessary? Seriously I need my capri's I miss them and my favorite flip flops need some tootsie love ya know?
No recipe this evening we are going to try the Schwans Fajitas so wish me luck I am excited to try them. It helps to get Schwans they have great veggies and juice and my Schwans man is H-O-T because its my hubby :) The real Schwans guy comes to Ryans office so he is my hot Schwans man and fills the freezer for me and reduces some dinner stress.
Plan to work on painting this weekend some more, Carlee is gone so that helps. No Hannah Montana actions on the Wii distracting me :)
Well thinking of selling some stuffs that I dont use, would you all like me to post it here 1st or just skip and go right to Ebay?
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Cola Barbecued Ribs
3 1/2 lb pork spareribs or loin back ribs
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon hickory smoked salt(I used Head Country Seasoning) A Staple in our home
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 cup cola
1 3/4 cups barbecue sauce(We prefer Head Country by the gallon)
Step 1. Spray 4-5 quart slow cooker with cooking spray. Trime excess fat and remove membranes from ribs(not sure if mine had this I didnt do it) In a small bowl mix brown sugar, hickory smoked salt and pepper and rub into ribs. Cut ribs into 2-3 rib portions (I did this before the rub all the night before) Place ribs into cooker and pour cola around.
***I doubled all of this because we like seasoning***
Step 2 Cover; cook on LOW heat setting 8-9 hours
Step 3 removed ribs from cooker; place in shallow baking pan. Drain liquid from cooker and discard. Brush both sides of ribs with Barbecue sauce. Return ribs to cooker. Pour any remaining sauce over ribs.
Step 4 Cover; cook on LOW heat setting for about an hour longer or until ribs are glazed and sauce is desired consistency. (While this is happening I will be making the red potatoes :)
Monday, January 21, 2008
This can be done in the oven or the crock pot. Do to it being sooo cold this evening we will be firing up the oven cause I am a wuss :)
Honey Garlic Chicken
1 teaspoon garlic salt
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
2 teaspoons soy sauce
1/2 cup vinegar
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup ketchup
4 breasts (I slice these up into smaller strips, they cook faster this way)
Mix all ingredients together.
Place in baking dish and pour sauce over top to coat chicken.
This can be done ahead of time and refrigerated.
Bake at 350 for 3/4 hour with lid on, and 3/4 hour with lid off.
Serve chicken and sauce with hot cooked rice or with veggies on the side.
We have some new Schwans veggies I can't wait to try :)
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Well Hello Ladies~
I hope that each of you are getting into the groove of your shopping lists and that you puchased your Sunday paper for coupons. On some holidays though there may not be but you can still get them online as well.
This week we are going to discuss the right side of your shopping list with the Meal Planner.
At least once or twice a week I try a new recipe which usually coincides with using the crockpot. Why? Because most crockpot meals can be prepared the night before and thrown into the pot and into the fridge. Then the next morning before you head off to work you can plop it in, turn it on and go and most if not all of your dinner is ready.
The key to trying new recipes for me is I have a file of new ones that I have printed off the internet, gotten from friends or from magazines. If its a big hit they got into the "Family Favorites" binder. Then we do not have any sad repeats of bad recipes. My family favorites also have moms and grandmas family recipes that we already know are do to stay. One of my favorite sites for recipes is www.recipezaar.com you can search by soo many ways its amazing what you can make.
I always A) Use the crockpot once a week especially on Tuesdays because that is violin nite and it would be 7pm before we ate if I cooked and B) 1-2 new recipes a week to build up our family favorites binder. This helps in the meal planning process. Planning out a weeks meals has unloaded alot of stress from my life. I am not worried at lunch time what to lay out, going to the store for just 1 more thing every day, and always having something to come up with thats not the same ole same ole. I have had the pleasure of literally going to the store once a week and not spending a fortune with just hodge podge stuff in hopes a meal will create itself.
SO plan out your meals for the week, enjoy the organized time for yourself of no stress and enjoy 2 of our favories quick and easy recipes from the Day House.
Cola Pork Chops
4 Pork Chops
1 Cup of Coke
1 Cup of BBQ Sauce
Lay chops in baking pan and mix coke and BBQ sauce together with some cajun seasoning pour over chops bake at 350 degrees for on hour
Red Potatoes(From my SIL Traci)
Slice 10-14 red potatoes into slices with the skin on and layer them into a baking dish and in between each layer throw some butter and seasoning on until you have the desired amount. Throw into microwave covered and cook 5 minutes stir, cook 5 minutes and stir until potatoes are soft. Take out sprinkle some cheese ontop, serve on to plates and add some ranch dressing. VIOLA!! My favorite!!
Friday, January 18, 2008
I consider myself somewhat hip in dressing for a 30 year old but PUHLEASE explain to me exactly how low are jeans gonna go? I have hip rise jeans right? Ok and hip rise panties from Victorias Secret but WHY WHY WHY is it that when I pull on my pants that my panties stick out the back like I have granny panties on? I didnt flippin buy granny panties I have hip rise jeans with hip rise panties that should = no panties hanging out the top right? WTH!!
I guess I could be like my 50+ year old co worker and not wear any at all. She hasnt in years, says no need to spend that money or worry about panty lines or having to buy thongs that you pick out of your butt every 5 seconds or if you sit wrong you feel like its going to split you in 1/2 like a cheese slicer. But I just cant do it, I cant really fathom the fact of the seam of my pants in contact with my area down there if you know what I mean. Thats hair pulling territory right there and not the kind I like. So I am done griping about my panties, have a great Friday and weekend you all, new post about organization and a picture of my latest accent wall on Sunday :)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
My motivation is working in my head but no where else. I plan to paint a wall in my hallway this weekend, wish me luck I tend to slow down and go into hibernation mode like a coy fish when its this cold out, not enjoyable at all.
I hope everyone is digging the organizational stuff I have lots of things up my sleeve to go over with everyone and some of it is a journey for me as well.
Carlee got a Wii at her dads for Christmas and I played with her for the 1st time last night, I SUCK at bowling but can whip some Wii butt at Tennis, and we made Ryan a character on there and we had fun doing that, they have the funniest faces.
I know everyone is gearing up for Cropganza and I will miss not being with you all there, but you will see my smiling face at Spring Crop Camp and I am working on that stuff now and then 3 weeks from there Carlee and I are going on a cruise with my mom, and Aunts and Uncle and sister and BIL and my dear little Bo Bena. Pretty Darn excited this skinny girl needs some sand and sun and a little fun with the soon to be 11 year old.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Sunday, January 06, 2008
I am not sure who all was waiting for this but here we go. I am only sharing things that have worked for me and made my life easier so if certain things dont work for you its all good. Our 1st month will cover mainly the kitchen part of our lives so there will be challenges and once you start it will make life easier.
One of my favorites sites is http://www.simplify101.com/ you all know that the Simple Scrapbooks Organizational book has become my bible and a big teaching tool and Aby is ahmazing.
So step 1 is to go here http://www.simplify101.com/hs_files/grocery-list.pdf print off about 10 of these and put one on your fridge and one in front of you.
Next plan out your meals for the next 7 days. Then go to your cupboards, drawers, boxes whatever and take inventory of what you need to make these meals what you dont have add to your list. This 1st week just plan the meals that are tried and true. Like for us Chicken Alfredo, Cola Pork Chops etc. And I will be posting my quickie recipes as I like to call em :)
The reason this has become integrial for me is that at lunch when I am home I know what to thaw out and I am not going to Dillons everyday after work. If it needs to be crock potted I can start some of that prep after dinner the night before, I am already in there whats another 30 right?
Next Sunday we will make our own quick and easy coupon books using the categories on the shopping list/menu planner. In the mean time visit Aby's blog http://www.creativeorganizing.typepad.com/ and get inspired.
Post any questions here and I will answer them publicly, as best as possible. Any requests please email or post I have things planned out until April but can always throw things in.
The most difficult part of this is now teaching your family that when they empty something to write it on the list and no more "What's for dinner?" Cause its all right there :)
*****If you haven't taken my Cropper Hopper Class yet this Saturday is our 1st of 2008 and my head has been brimming with new ideas and products the Attic Girls have been rocking for us**